POO Fernando Martin
Risky driving behaviours and driving style: their relation to alcohol drinking habits
Anuario de Proyectos e Informes de Becarios de Investigación. 2008
Facultad de Psicología. UNMdP
Lugar: Mar del Plata; Año: 2008 p. 127 - 1341
Abstract: In Argentina un-intentional injuries constitute the leading cause of death. While acute alcohol consumption has been identify as a risk factor for road injuries here and elsewhere, much less is know about the relationship between chronic consumption and accident involvement. Moreover, evidence regarding specific drinking patterns which may be related to risky driving behaviour is scarce and unclear. Similarly, results about the relationship between alcohol drinking habits and some specific drivers? behaviour like seat-belt use and speeding have been contradictory and culturally dependent. For these reasons the aim of this project will be to assess the association between drinking patterns, particular driving styles and speeding, seat-belt use and driving under the influence of alcohol. A sample of near 1000 participants will be recruited from the general adult population in Mar del Plata, Argentina. Participants will be assessed regarding their drinking habits, alcohol use disorders, driving style and traffic accidents. Social desirability bias will be evaluated. Logistic regression analysis will be performed for sub-samples differentiated by gender, age and drinking pattern. Drinking patterns will be created by classifying participants according to frequency, volume and beverage choice. This will be performed through factorial analysis of multiple correspondences complemented with mixed classification analysis. Identifying groups of drivers who perform risky behaviors and tend to be involved in traffic accidents, will assist decision and policy makers regarding allocation of resources and prevention efforts. Selection of appropriate target behaviors on one side and sub-populations on the other represents a clear necessity in countries and regions with limited resources.