Salvarezza spoke about the current situation of science in Argentina
Invited by the National Academy of Sciences of Córdoba, the president of CONICET talked about the current situation and challenges of the Council.
At the Academy Hall, the president of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), Roberto Salvarezza lectured on the growth of the institution during these last ten years and future projects.
“In this last decade the budget of the Council increased 12 times reaching ARS 2.889 millions”, Salvarezza indicated. Besides, he talked about statistics, projects and the evolution and growth of the Council, which currently has 7.550 researchers and 9.100 fellows.
Furthermore, he remarked that the current government promotes Science and Technology, thus encouraging the growth in the institution and its capacity to move forward in issues such as training of highly qualified human resources, technology transfer and the promotion of science to the society.
During the speech, he highlighted the jump in the number of PhDs, which grew from 300 in 2003 to 1.000 in 2012, and indicated that it is due to the change in admission policies. “CONICET grew, and therefore admissions increased” , the president concluded.
In addition, he referred to the science promotion activities the Council is conducting through the Scientific Vocation Programme, which fosters and supports the participation of researchers in activities open to the community in different parts of the country.
“Recently, CONICET researchers delivered a lecture to more than 1.500 students of secondary schools in Rosario, province of Santa Fe”, Salvarezza recalled. Furthermore, he provided details of the activities performed at the Puerto Deseado Oceanographic Vessel, the talks delivered by the scientists of the groups “Science, what do you have for me?” and “What do we mean by Chagas disease?”; the conference “Educating the Brain” and the printing of a handbook on preservation and sustainable use of vicuñas.
Regarding that, Salvarezza referred to the importance of having researchers bringing science and society closer, not only because the State needs highly qualified human resources but also because any developing country needs knowledge transfer for its growth.
The event was attended by the president of the Academy of Sciences, Juan Tirao and the vicepresident, Pedro Depetris; the director of the CCT-Córdoba, José Luis Bocco; the Rector of the National University of Córdoba (UNC), Francisco Tamarit; and researchers and directors of CONICET Executive Units of Córdoba.