CONICET scientist participates in the Brain Pool Fellowship program in South Korea
Néstor Haberkorn was named by the National Research Foundation and the South Korean Ministry of Science for his research in Physics.
The researcher of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), Néstor Haberkorn, who works at the Instituto de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología (INN, CONICET-CNEA) and at the Laboratorio de Bajas Temperaturas del Centro Atómico Bariloche de la Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica ( CAB-CNEA) was invited to participate in the Brain Pool Fellowship (BP) 2023 Program as a guest researcher. The program is the result of a joint initiative between the Ministry of Science and the National Research Foundation of South Korea and its main purpose is to invite foreign scientists to research institutions in the Asian country.
According to the call, with this type of incorporation, the Korean Ministry of Science seeks to improve the level of R&D in South Korea through various joint initiatives with foreign researchers, as well as carry out research activities in R&D fields and establish long-term international cooperation networks.
Within the framework of BP 2023, Haberkorn was selected with a three-year project entitled “Ultra-fast Vortex Dynamics and Single Photon Detector Development,” which is focused on the study of “vortex dynamics in heterostructures superconducting/magnetic cells for the development of single photon detectors”.
These devices have potential applications in various fields, such as dark matter detection, quantum computing, and information transmission. “The research will be based on analyzing the impact of proximity to magnetic structures on the intrinsic resolution time in a detection event,” explains Haberkorn about the project. And he adds: “The research is part of the line of work that I have been developing as a CONICET researcher together with students from the Balseiro Institute and colleagues from the CAB. In this project, through interdisciplinary collaboration between knowledgeable researchers and with access to complementary techniques, we aspire to generate new knowledge in this area.”
As regards his appointment as guest researcher, Haberkorn expresses: “It is a recognition of my career and the research that I have carried out in Argentina together with students and collaborators in recent years. And he continues: “For the selection of the project it has been very important to have the support of Jeehoon Kim, the host researcher, and the Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH). I believe that, in addition to the proposed research, it is very important that the project serve as a precedent to foster long-term collaborative relationships between researchers from both countries”. For the scientist, his incorporation into BP 2023 can also facilitate student exchange and access to new tools and equipment, which could broaden the scope of studies and possibly address new lines of research.