First meeting on Environment, Science and Justice

The document that contains the bases of the future work for the Program and other related institutions was published.

The National Program for Science and Justice of CONICET and the Junta Federal de Cortes y Superiores Tribunales de Justicia de las Provincias Argentinas y Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Ju.Fe.Jus.), the “Network of Judicial Training Schools” (Reflejar) and the “Council of Attorneys, Prosecutors, Defenders and General Advisers of the Argentine Republic, present the memory of the work tables of the First Meeting “Environment, Science and Justice”.

The aim of the meeting was to present and discuss CONICET’s technical capacities and services with different Justice operators to contribute  to the clarification of environmental legal cases. Likewise, the complexities and challenges of scientific and judicial advances were addressed in different plenary and thematic tables

Various talks took place and allowed experts to have an agenda focused on six specific themes on which an open and transversal debate was held, reaching different conclusions in relation to: Bioindicators, Quality, Environmental Expertise, Clear Language, Active Judicial Operators and Future Generations.

The final document made by the organizing institutions is available as a basis to continue enriching the debate and review and ratify the agenda towards future related actions.

For further information on the First Environment, Science and Justice Meeting,click here

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