SPINELLI Gustavo Ricardo
congresos y reuniones científicas
A new species of Bezzia Kieffer from Argentina (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)
Encuentro; I Encontro Latino-Americano sobre Ceratopogonidae; 2011
Institución organizadora:
The genus Bezzia Kieffer is presently known by 313 species worldwide, 44 of wich were recorded from the Neotropical Region by Borkent and Spinelli in 2007. During a recent entomological survey in the Reserva Natural Parque Provincial Ernesto Tornquist in Sierra de la Ventana, Buenos Aires province, Argentina, a new species of Bezzia was collected. Specimens were collected as pupae with pipette, placing in a white tray muddy water from the edge of a stream margin, carried back to the laboratory and conditioned in vials, individually, with a drop of water. Observations were done daily, until adult emergence. Pupae exuviae and adults were slide-mounted in Canada balsam and they were photographed with a Pentax Optico Power Shot S60 digital camera through a Leitz SM-Lux microscope (10´ or 40´). Ink illustrations were drawn with a camera lucida. The purpose of this study is to described and illustrate a new species of Bezzia based on pupae and adults specimens. As results, diagnostic characters of adults are: short palpus, 0-1 spines on fore femur, lack of distinct leg markings, female with two well developed spermathecae and male with apex of parameres pointed. The pupa is uniformly brown with respiratory organ pale brown, short, with 13-15 spiracles; abdominal segments with dark spots, surface with scattered small spinules and tubercles short with single apex; apicolateral processes moderately short, nearly straight, base wide, extreme tip darkish, each with tuft of small, dark setae. This new species is very similar to Bezzia brevicornis (Kieffer) wich adults can be distinguished by a larger third palpal segment and the scutum entirely dark brown without anterior spine; female with 3-5 elongate gland rods and a single well developed spermatheca and male with apex of distal process of the parameres rounded, lacking pubescence. The pupa of B. brevicornis is longer and darker, the respiratory organ bears 23-25 spiracles, the operculum is covered with stouter spicules and the am seta is longer and stouter, the cephalothorax bears 3 hyaline dorsomedian setae, two very elongate and one medium-sized, the first abdominal segment bears 2 elongate, hyaline anterior setae, and 3 lateral setae, and the dorsal posteromarginal seta iv of the fourth abdominal segment is hyaline, elongate and thin.