MONTEOLIVA juan manuel
congresos y reuniones científicas
Eficacia atencional y el medio ambiente luminoso en el aula
Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo
Simposio; Simpósio Internacional: Atenção, Percepção e Memória; 2013
Institución organizadora:
Universidade de São Paulo
Attention is a complex psychobiological process which is related to multiple aspects of behavior as well as other psychological processes. At school level, attentional problems are a significant risk factor for school failure, affecting academic performance and social behavior (Barkley, 1997). In the learning process, a student uses different forms of attention. Perhaps, should divide their attention and switch their focus of attention flexibly between two or more sources of information, holding -intentionally- these activities for a specified time. The relevance of developing learning processes generate the need to assess attentional skills of students in education (Ison & Anta, 2006). Studies linking attention and lighting showed significant differences in attentional efficacy in students whose classrooms were lit predominantly by natural light compared to the efficacy obtained by students in those mainly lit by artificial light. (Ison and Pattini, 2009). The objective was to compare in the educational context, the attentional efficacy parameter (AE), assessed by using two tests of attention: Perception of Differences Test, or FACES -Carinhas- (Thurstone) and an Adaptation of Landolt ´s Rings Test. The methodology used was the assessment of attentional efficacy parameter by administrations of two group of both tests in three levels of two educational institutions of the city of Tucuman (Argentina). Conclusions: In this first comparative evaluation, similar values ​​were obtained for both EA Tests in the three educational levels, found no statistically significant differences. Complementing this EA evaluation, a preference assessments were used. There was a clear preference of the Primary school subjects for the Landolt´ Rings test, which was opposite to the mean responses obtained in the other levels.