MESSUTI Maria ines
congresos y reuniones científicas
The lichen family Thelotremataceae in southern Argentinean Nothofagus forests
Workshop; The Thelotremataceae Workshop; 2008
Institución organizadora:
National Sciences Foundation
No ha sido publicado abstract o resumen de esta conferencia. Sin embargo, se presentan a continuación comentarios y resultados obtenidos en esta reunión publicados en: Boonpragob et al. (2010). "Thelotremataceae workshop", Bangkok 10-15 March 2008. Lichenologist 42: 127. Crustose lichens are common and form an important part of the diversity in tropical ecosystems. Despite their, importance, the taxonomy of these lichens is poorly known. A group of lichenized fungi that is common in the tropics is the Thelotremataceae or thelotremoid Graphidaceae, but their identification has remained difficult due to the absecence of identification keys for most parts of the tropics. The enhance of the thelotremoid Graphidaceae a "Thelotremataeae Workshop, 2008" was held at Ramkhamhaeng University in Bangkok (Thailand)with field trips to Khao Yai National Park in March, 2008. The workshop was financially supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Biodiversity Research and Training program (BRT) and the Ramkhamhaeng University (R.U.). It was dedicated to honour the late Natsurang Homchantara, who studied the taxonomy of Thelotremataceae in Thailand for her Ph.D. thesis (see following tribute). The workshop included presentations by coleagues from USA, Argentina, India, Korea and Thailand and was attended by approximately 50 participants form a totoal of eight countries. The workshop was very succesful and we are pleased to publish eight manuscripts in this issue The Lichenologist, including two additional contributions by coleagues who were unable to attend the worshop. We wish to thank all the contributors for their valuable efforts that will hopefully help to boost our knowledge of tropical lichens. Finally, we would like to thank the Senior Editor, Peter Crittenden, for provinding an opportunity to have this issue of The Lichenlogist devoted to the thelotremoid Graphidaceae.