GIL REBAZA Arles Victor
A study of the interaction of chiral propylene oxide with Pd(111)
Anais do Congresso Brasileiro de Catálise 2007
Año: 2007 p. 120 - 126
A interação de moléculas quirais de óxido de propileno com superfícies de Pd (111) é estudada por cálculos ab-initio através de DFT. Estes cálculos constituem a base de um modelo de adsorção, que é utilizado para analisar espectros de Dessorção Termo-Programada (TPD) através de simulações de Monte Carlo dinâmico. O modelo para a fase adsorvida é desenvolvido de tal modo que os espectros observados sejam satisfatoriamente reproduzidos. O modelo revela duas características básicas da fase adsorvida: a) O óxido de propileno adsorve sob duas configurações: uma de espécie plana (α) e outra de espécie distorcida (β), com energias de adsorção distintas. b) Estas diferentes espécies não adsorvem aleatoriamente na superfície, deve haver um arranjo ordenado de sítios do tipo α e β.α) e outra de espécie distorcida (β), com energias de adsorção distintas. b) Estas diferentes espécies não adsorvem aleatoriamente na superfície, deve haver um arranjo ordenado de sítios do tipo α e β.α e β. The interaction of chiral propylene oxide molecules with Pd(111) surfaces is studied by ab-initio calculations through DFT. These calculations provide the basis for an adsorption model, which is used to analyze Thermal Programmed Desorption (TPD) spectra through dynamic Monte Carlo simulation. The model of the adsorbed phase is developed in such a way that the observed spectra are satisfactorily reproduced. The model reveals two basic characteristics of the adsorbed phase: a) Propylene oxide adsorbs in two configurations: a flat species (α) and a tilted species (β), with different adsorption energies. b) These different species do not adsorb at random on the surface, there must rather be an ordered structure of α and β sites.ab-initio calculations through DFT. These calculations provide the basis for an adsorption model, which is used to analyze Thermal Programmed Desorption (TPD) spectra through dynamic Monte Carlo simulation. The model of the adsorbed phase is developed in such a way that the observed spectra are satisfactorily reproduced. The model reveals two basic characteristics of the adsorbed phase: a) Propylene oxide adsorbs in two configurations: a flat species (α) and a tilted species (β), with different adsorption energies. b) These different species do not adsorb at random on the surface, there must rather be an ordered structure of α and β sites.α) and a tilted species (β), with different adsorption energies. b) These different species do not adsorb at random on the surface, there must rather be an ordered structure of α and β sites.α and β sites.