congresos y reuniones científicas
The IBSA (India, Brazil & South Africa) role in the contemporary international system: What kind of development and for whom?
Otro; Repensar el desarrollo: alternativas globales y regionales para el desarrollo en el Sur; 2012
Institución organizadora:
Acuerdo de Colaboración Académica entre África, América Latina y Asia (APISA-CLACSO-CODESRIA) - Fundação Joaquim Nabuco (FUNDAJ)
The current international situation reflects a constant reconfiguration of forces, from an international logic to another that it hasn?t been drawn up definitively. Even down the United States are still the only world superpower (in military and strategic terms) its hegemonic position has been eroded. This process can be explained by the prominence of certain States that been participating actively in the global making-decision process, with other new actors originating both inside and outside of the state borders- that have joined the global level deepening, even more, the density of transnational relations that have emerged in the last decades of the century.This research has a main hypothesis that IBSA has become a State policy for the three countries involved given that it is an initative maintained and defended with independence of the administration changes. The exercise of a large and continuous political cooperation and coordination by the group, an institutional structure that helps to its good function, and the presence of perspectives, aspirations and coincident interests have changed IBSA to a consolidated coalition, different from other similar trials with weaker platforms.