IADIZA   20886
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
Las comunidades vegetales relacionadas con los procesos criogénicos en los Andes peruanos
Lugar: Stuttgart; Año: 2014 vol. 44 p. 121 - 161
The  Andean Cordillera is the second highest  mountain range in the wordl affter the Himalayas  and therefore , one  of the  places  where  the criogenic manifestations are more prominent. Tropical Andean glacier usually prewsent an ice-cap form, and various  geomorphological forms -rock glaciers, block streams, morainic deposits, cryoplanation surfaces (sometines  mixed with  volcanic  pimices9 with polygon soils, and  solifuction terraces-can be disnguished  in the surroudings.The study was  carreied  out in the  main glacial zones  of Perú: Cordilel4a Blanca, Cordillera Central, Department of Puno (Allincapec and Yuracjasa), Department of Arequipa (Coropuna, Huarancante, Ampatao and Imata plains) and Department of Tacna near the Tutupaca  volcano. Above 4000 m (Oro and cryotropical bioclimatic belts) we documented 152 plots using the Braun-Blanquet method, adding 287 relevés  fron other authors from Peru , and also fron Venezuela to southern Argentina  and Chile. To interpret the variability , geographical distribution and vertical  continuum of the association, the concepts of basal community (BC) , derived community  (DC), altitudinnal form  and geographic  race were used. Field  and bibliographic tables  were syntethesized  usin two dendrongrams as  a result of applying the Sorensen  indez to compare  glacial vegetatation  betwee Perú and other  regions  of South Amaerica. Rock glaciers  supporta rupicolous vegetation dominated by Valeriana nivalis, and  Saxifraga magellanica on the more humid rocks. Block streams contain specific  plant communities with  Xenophyllum species (X. cililatum, X. dactylophyllum, X. decorum, X. digitatum, and  X. poposum), but  Chaeanthera  is also very important in these  biotopes  across the Andes. Cryoplantion  surfaces , with  more stable  and deep soils , present  a greater  diversity  of plants , suchs as Anthhochloa  lepidula, Dielsiochloa  floribunda, Lachemilla frigida, Mnioides coarctata, Nototriche obcuneata, N. pedicularifolia or N. turritella. On solifluction  terraces  and flood  surfaces , communities  with  Festuca  riescens  and Trichopohorum  rigidum can be  distinguishes  respectyvely.  Deep clayey  solis, support smalll pasturages  of Deyeuxia  minima and Aciachne pulvinata somoetimes  grazed, while  the cushion vegetation  caused by  snowbreak streams  is represented  by Deyeuxia  ovata  and Werneria aretioidesFrm a syntaxonomical poit of view, 32 Peruvian plant communities  were  recognized. Rock comunnities are the Senecio bolivarianus community -mono-specific  plant comunity  on humid rocks  distribuited form Huancayo to Cusco, The Asplenio  triphylli-Melpomenetum monilifoimis ass. nova- a rupiculous association  installed on granitic rocks  of the Cordilera  Blanca, the  Senecio algens community -associated with  the basal partt  of the rocks  of hmid puna, and the senecio culcitiodis -Valerianetum nivalis- a charecteristic rock community  usually present  on andesistes and basalts  from  Lima to Cordillera   El Barroso (Tacna) (this association includes  the subassocitaion saxifragetosum  magellanicae, found  on semi-permanent humid  rocks , the  geographic  race with  Draba cryptandra (Cordillera Central) , the geographic  race with Draba brackenridgei (near Cotahuasi Canyon, Arequipa), the  geografic race with  Draba cuzcoensis (near Colca  Canyon, Arequipa) , and  the termic  altitudinal form with Woodsia montevidensis  (Callai, Arequipa)The  Xenophyllo-Englerocharion peruvianae alliance  is represented by the following communities. Xenophyllo ciliolati-Pletkeetum cryptanthae- a hunid puina association  present  on block streams and morenic deposits  with superfical stones the  Cordillera Blanca  o Alliancapac  (Puno) (this assotiation  includes  an altitudinal  form with  Anticona glareophila, from  the limits of  the vegetation of the Cordillera Cantral, a variant of semi-fixed blocks  with  Xenophyllum digitatum, a variant of mobile blocks with Xenophyllum cialiolatum, a derived  community (DC)  wuith Chaetanthera cochlearifolia  from  Central  Perú, found on clayey places  that will evolve  to the polygon soils  solonized  by the same   enviroments  from southern Perú), and  the Poa gymnantha-Cerastium peruvianum community , documented  on volcanic  conglomerates from Callalli (Arequipa).Nototricho obcuneatae- Xenophylletum poposi -installed on semi-fixed  blocks  of the  altiplano of Perú and Bolivia in dry subhumid  climate (its variability presents  the sub-associations valerianetosum nivalis  as a rupiculous aspect, and mmiodetosum coarctateae on higtly sloping soils), Nototricho Mniotetum coaractateae ass . nopva- cryorotropical vegetaction on flat polygon  solis enrichede with  the volcanic  pumices  of the altiplano, and the Bello piptolepis -Dissanthelium calycini-that indicates  wetter saoils without volcanic  punices in the altiplano-belong to the Nototrichon obcuneatae alliance.The  Deyeuxion minimae alliance  indicates  deeper  and mores humid solis, wherte  we can differentiate five  associations: Notrotricho pinnatae- Lachemiletum frigidade - present on the rock cornices and polygon  soils  coming from intrusive geologic materials of the Cordillera  Blanca, Pycnophyllo mollis-Festucetum rigescentis- very typical on solifluction terraces  of the hunida puna of Peu and Boilivia , Deyeuxio  minimae-Trichophjoretm rigidae- on flooded  surfaces of the hunid Peruvian Andes , Azorello diapensoiis -Deyeuxietum minimae-on himid , deep and clayey  criogenic soils , sometimes with  very little  superficial stones  (this association includes  an altitudinal  form  with  Deuyeuxia  rigida, an altitudial form with  Pynophyllum  molle, a vraiant  on incipient solifuction  terraces  with  Dissanthelium macusaniense , and another variant  on deep and humid  soils with Wer5neria nubighena), and  Gnaphalio badii-Achiachnetum  pulvinatae  grazed  vegetation  in the orotropical belt.Finalyy, Deyeuxio  ovatae- Wernerietum  aretioidis  ass. nova is a cushion association belonging to the Plantagini- Distiochletea  class occurring between 4800 and 5000 m a.s.l.To study  the relationships between plant communities and some  seleted  climatic parameters  (T,M,m,It, P,Pm and Hm- see abreviations of the table 6) we  have  made a biplot from a Principal Component  Analyses  for each  community  group (rock communities, Xenophyllo-Englerocharion, Nototrichon obcuneatae, and Deyeuxon  minimae and other symntaxa . Plant communities placed  at high altitude  or in dry puna (Oruro-Arequipa biogeographic  province) are linked with  the samaller values  of the   lowest mean  tempoerature of the  coldest month (m), while  those  placed  in the  humid puna (Ancashino-Paceña biogeographic province) are linked  with the highest values  of the  highest  mean temperature  of the  coldest month (M).Finaly , the syntaxa Empetro rubrum-Oreopoletum glacialis , described  earlier from Southern Patagonia , are typified.