IMHICIHU   13380
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
Imágenes y Paisajes: El Arte Rupestre del Noreste de Catamarca, Argentina
Archaeopress Publishing Ltd
Lugar: Oxford; Año: 2019 p. 282
This work proposes the characterization and interpretation of archaeological landscapes in a particular phytogeographical region of the eastern part of the Argentine Northwest: the yungas, in the northern sector of El Alto-Ancasti mountain range (El Alto, Catamarca, Argentina). It is a sector with scarce research background. The focus is placed on the systematic analysis of plastic-thematic-compositional repertoire of rock art sites and their spatial and temporal distribution. This study aims to advance in the understanding of appropriation modalities displayed by the people that inhabited the area, the relationship that they would have maintained with the environment, as well as the distinction of various events and uses of different places and, in this way, seeks to contribute to the knowledge of historical, social and cultural development in the occupation of the area.In order to address the analysis of rock art recorded in the eight sites -stations- in the specific area of Los Algarrobales, a multi-scale methodological strategy is proposed here, structuring the analysis in successive and complementary levels. These allow contributing to the knowledge of rock art plastic repertoire, analyzing first its formal characteristics (techniques and designs) culminating in the deconstruction of spaces - landscapes ? configured by these stations, regarding the panels and the spatial characteristics of each station. In summary, this multi-scale methodology integrates: (a) a first level of analysis aimed at defining the formal characteristics of the motifs displayed on the supports of the eight stations with rock art and their spatial characteristics at an intra-site scale; (b) a second level aimed at revealing the characteristics of plastic spaces based on local and regional comparisons and the definition of common modes and trends of representation for the set of images studied; and (c) a third level of analysis aimed at deconstructing spaces by evaluating the spatial characteristics of panels and stations.In conclusion, it is possible to affirm that in Los Algarrobales: (i) the plastic repertoire of rock art sites consists of representations executed at different times of use of the supports, with recurrence in the appropriation of the landscape from recursive practices of execution and interaction with them in certain stations. The detailed analyzes, comparisons and associations allowed establishing a wide development for the practice of painting and / or recording these images, starting at least in Formative times and having some continuity until recent moments; (ii) there was a continuity in the choice of expressive rock supports with diverse spatial characteristics throughout time and from various social groups, both within the stations ?in possibilities of movement, visuality and performances- and in their general visualization characteristics; (iii) there are sets of representations that maintain a regularity in the plastic language on an intra and inter-site scale, expressed in formal and compositional elements shared between different panels on a station and between them.