GONZALEZ Ana maria
congresos y reuniones científicas
Presentación del Sitio educativo: Hipertextos del Área de la Biología.
Tafí del Valle, Tucumán. Argentina
Congreso; XVII Jornadas Científicas de la Asociación de Biología de Tucumán.; 2000
Objetives: The website Hipertextos del Area de la Biología (http:/ was created as a tool to introduce or lead the student in the knowledge of biology, so as to guide and better his possibility to obtain information through WWW. Resources: The Faculty has a Linux server in HP Pentium 100 equipment with 32 M of RAM connected to the UNNE Informatics Network. AII hypertext was homogenized using Front Page 2000. Contents: the entrance to the hypertext is by a portal, which offers direct links to the main themes, links with University and its Facul­ties, related Societies, mirror sites located in our serve, the authors scientific activity and their e-mail, also have the possibility to search for word. This website contain 306 pages developed in hypertext format, with main text, images, self-evaluation, bibliography, links to glossary, to original sites and other websites and elements of navigation. These have been designed in CD format with possibil­ity to be print. Conclusions: The implementation of this website have many ad­vantages, for the students: offers information, actualization and books translations, skip the idiomatic barrier. For the professors: have a virtual place where put the minimum contents of each themes.