JOBBAGY GAMPEL Esteban Gabriel
. Land use change and water losses: The case of grassland afforestation across a soil textural gradient in Central Argentina
Lugar: London; Año: 2005 vol. 11 p. 1101 - 1117
Vegetation changes, particularly those involving transitions between
tree- and grass-dominated covers, often modify evaporative water losses
as a result of plant-mediated shifts in moisture access and demand.
Massive afforestation of native grasslands, particularly important in
the Southern Hemisphere, may have strong yet poorly quantified effects
on the hydrological cycle. We explored water use patterns in Eucalyptus grandis
plantations and the native humid grasslands that they replace in
Central Argentina. In order to uncover the interactive effects that
land cover type, soil texture and climate variability may have on
evaporative water losses and water use efficiency, we estimated daily
evapotranspiration (ET) in 117 tree plantations and grasslands plots
across a soil textural gradient (clay-textured Vertisols to
sandy-textured Entisols) using radiometric information from seven
Landsat scenes, existing timber productions records, and 13C
measurements in tree stems. Tree plantations had cooler surface
temperatures (−5°C on average) and evaporated more water (+80% on
average) than grasslands at all times and across all sites. Absolute ET
differences between grasslands and plantations ranged from ∼0.6 to
2 mm day−1 and annual up-scaling suggested values of ∼630 and ∼1150 mm yr−1
for each vegetation type, respectively. The temporal variability of ET
was significantly lower in plantations compared with grasslands
(coefficient of variation 36% vs. 49%). Daily ET increased as the water
balance became more positive (accumulated balance for previous 18 days)
with a saturation response in grassland vs. a continuous linear
increase in plantations, suggesting lower ecophysiological limits to
water loss in tree canopies compared with the native vegetation.
Plantation ET was more strongly affected by soil texture than grassland
ET and peaked in coarse textured sites followed by medium and fine
textured sites. Timber productivity as well as 13C
concentration in stems peaked in medium textured sites, indicating
lower water use efficiency on extreme textures and suggesting that
water limitation was not responsible for productivity declines towards
finer and coarser soils. Our study highlighted the key role that
vegetation type plays on evapotranspiration and, therefore, in the
hydrological cycle. Considering that tree plantations may continue
their expansion over grasslands, problematic changes in water
management and, perhaps, in local climate can develop from the higher
evaporative water losses of tree plantations.