FLORES Marina Judith
congresos y reuniones científicas
Kinetic modeling for water disinfection using H2O2
San Diego, California
Conferencia; The 17 th international conference on advance oxidation Technologies for treatment of water, air and soil (AOPs); 2011
Institución organizadora:
Redox Technologies. University of Weser Ontario. Research Park
Microbiological contamination of water is problem under constant review because of its importance for life and for the development of civilization. An ideal disinfection system should ensure maximum efficiency for the removal of pathogens without producing toxic and undesirable byproducts. The correct solution to the problem of contamination is the use of clean technologies that none of its steps affect the environment. Hydrogen peroxide is disinfectant with recognized antimicrobial properties that can be used because is effective, safe and easy to manipulate. For water disinfection purposes, the non-persistent characteristic of hydrogen peroxide becomes a disadvantage to maintain the water quality in the distribution system. However, its use is widely spread because it is relatively inexpensive, is easily removed when desired and is unlikely to be health hazardous if used properly. In addition, it does not give rise to disinfection byproducts as it is the case of other strong oxidants. The antimicrobial and/or antiseptic properties of hydrogen peroxide have been known for many years because it is effective against a wide spectrum of bacteria, yeast, molds, viruses and spore forming organism. The chemical mechanisms that promote the hydrogen peroxide decomposition can be inferred but infrequently established, however it is know that is due to its ability to generate strongly oxidant chemical species like hydroxyl radical (OH˙). This radical species reacts with almost all biological molecules. The attack by the OH˙ radical, in the presence of oxygen, initiates a complex cascade of oxidative reactions leading to decomposition of the all the enzymes and organic compounds that result from the rupture of the cell membrane .