VIGNOLO Graciela Margarita
Antibacterial Activity of Lactobacillus Strains Isolated from Dry Fermented Sausages
Lugar: Bedford; Año: 1993 vol. 75 p. 344 - 349
One hundred strains of lactic acid bacteria isolated from dry cured sausages were tested for antagonistic activity against a set of test strains. Nine of 52 strains of Lar.tobacillus casei and three of 48cured sausages were tested for antagonistic activity against a set of test strains. Nine of 52 strains of Lar.tobacillus casei and three of 48set of test strains. Nine of 52 strains of Lar.tobacillus casei and three of 48 strains of Lact. plantarun produced inhibition zones against the indicator species. The substance excreted by Lact. casei CRL 705 was active against Lact. piantarum, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria. The activity of the antibacterial compound from Lact. casei CRI, 705 was destroyed by papain, trypsin and pepsin, but was resistant to heat (100°C for 20 min), lysozyme and catalase. The agent was produced during the growth cycle and when the concentrated and neutralized supernatant fluid was added to a fresh culture of sensitive cells it produced a rapid inactivation. A decrease in optical density (O.D.) over time, indicative of cell lysis, was also observed. These characteristics allowed us to identify the inhibitory compound as a bacteriocin which we termed Lactocin 705.Lact. plantarun produced inhibition zones against the indicator species. The substance excreted by Lact. casei CRL 705 was active against Lact. piantarum, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria. The activity of the antibacterial compound from Lact. casei CRI, 705 was destroyed by papain, trypsin and pepsin, but was resistant to heat (100°C for 20 min), lysozyme and catalase. The agent was produced during the growth cycle and when the concentrated and neutralized supernatant fluid was added to a fresh culture of sensitive cells it produced a rapid inactivation. A decrease in optical density (O.D.) over time, indicative of cell lysis, was also observed. These characteristics allowed us to identify the inhibitory compound as a bacteriocin which we termed Lactocin 705.Lact. casei CRL 705 was active against Lact. piantarum, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria. The activity of the antibacterial compound from Lact. casei CRI, 705 was destroyed by papain, trypsin and pepsin, but was resistant to heat (100°C for 20 min), lysozyme and catalase. The agent was produced during the growth cycle and when the concentrated and neutralized supernatant fluid was added to a fresh culture of sensitive cells it produced a rapid inactivation. A decrease in optical density (O.D.) over time, indicative of cell lysis, was also observed. These characteristics allowed us to identify the inhibitory compound as a bacteriocin which we termed Lactocin 705.and a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria. The activity of the antibacterial compound from Lact. casei CRI, 705 was destroyed by papain, trypsin and pepsin, but was resistant to heat (100°C for 20 min), lysozyme and catalase. The agent was produced during the growth cycle and when the concentrated and neutralized supernatant fluid was added to a fresh culture of sensitive cells it produced a rapid inactivation. A decrease in optical density (O.D.) over time, indicative of cell lysis, was also observed. These characteristics allowed us to identify the inhibitory compound as a bacteriocin which we termed Lactocin 705.of the antibacterial compound from Lact. casei CRI, 705 was destroyed by papain, trypsin and pepsin, but was resistant to heat (100°C for 20 min), lysozyme and catalase. The agent was produced during the growth cycle and when the concentrated and neutralized supernatant fluid was added to a fresh culture of sensitive cells it produced a rapid inactivation. A decrease in optical density (O.D.) over time, indicative of cell lysis, was also observed. These characteristics allowed us to identify the inhibitory compound as a bacteriocin which we termed Lactocin 705.and pepsin, but was resistant to heat (100°C for 20 min), lysozyme and catalase. The agent was produced during the growth cycle and when the concentrated and neutralized supernatant fluid was added to a fresh culture of sensitive cells it produced a rapid inactivation. A decrease in optical density (O.D.) over time, indicative of cell lysis, was also observed. These characteristics allowed us to identify the inhibitory compound as a bacteriocin which we termed Lactocin 705.the growth cycle and when the concentrated and neutralized supernatant fluid was added to a fresh culture of sensitive cells it produced a rapid inactivation. A decrease in optical density (O.D.) over time, indicative of cell lysis, was also observed. These characteristics allowed us to identify the inhibitory compound as a bacteriocin which we termed Lactocin 705.fluid was added to a fresh culture of sensitive cells it produced a rapid inactivation. A decrease in optical density (O.D.) over time, indicative of cell lysis, was also observed. These characteristics allowed us to identify the inhibitory compound as a bacteriocin which we termed Lactocin 705.A decrease in optical density (O.D.) over time, indicative of cell lysis, was also observed. These characteristics allowed us to identify the inhibitory compound as a bacteriocin which we termed Lactocin 705.705.