GARGANTINI Daniela Mariana
capítulos de libros
The Experimental Centre of Economic Housing
Knowledge and Engagement. Building Capacity for the Next Generation of Community Based Researchers
New Delhi, PRIA
Lugar: New Delhi; Año: 2016; p. 90 - 97
This book summarizes the main findings of a global study titled ?Building the Next Generation of Community-Based Researchers? (a.k.a. the Next Gen project), funded by the Social Science and Human Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). The overall objective of the Next Gen project was to increase access to high quality training in Community-Based Research (CBR) within higher education institutions (HEIs) and civil society organizations (CSOs). This project aimed to understand the current state-of-the art in pedagogies and strategies for building CBR capacities, and to work towards the strengthening of the existing training fieldwork and the theoretical and curricular content on participatory research within and outside the academia.This book outlines a number of important trends, approaches and challenges in the field of training the next generation of researchers in CBR; through a comparative analysis of 21 institutional case studies of CBR training providers from around the world. The book also includes the results of a global survey of training CBR in HEIs & CSOs.With over 40 contributing authors from all around the world,this is the first book of its kind, which represents a collective effort to bring many note-worthy aspects within one umbrella (i.e., ?Community Based Research?), analyze the current scenario and training opportunities, and provide recommendations with regard to what can be done in the best possible manner.One of them is the CEVE, case in Argentina.