Shot, countershot, off-screen space: espionage and the Buenos Aires Police Intelligence Directorate's gaze on the Argentine Women Union
African Yearbook of Rhetoric
African Yearbook of Rhetoric
Año: 2018 vol. 8 p. 72 - 80
To investigate the discursive communities and the scopic regimes involved in the so-called "repression files" implies dealing with cross-discipline approaches on Visual studies and Discourse analysis. What is there behind the presumption of "dangerousness" leading to the seizure of photographs by police forces? The knot woven out of images and control stages different visual fields in dispute: on the one hand, primarily, an order framed by a stark gaze cast by surveillance forces on the seized photographs. In spite of its hegemony, however, every reality comprises at least two sides: the reverse of this worldview which deems itself impartial, its visual countershot, is dominated by the bodily disposition of the actors portrayed. Finally, delving into the images archived by repressive organizations also reveals an unfathomable off-screen space, which expands beyond the recorded frames.This work is an overview of the documentation generated by the Buenos Aires Police Intelligence Directorate (Dirección de Inteligencia de la Policía de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, DIPBA) about the Argentine Women Union (Unión de Mujeres de la Argentina, UMA). The latter was created in 1947, during the City of Buenos Aires´ National Women Meeting, with the leaders of the Argentine Communist Party (PCA) as its main sponsors, and comprising women with different political backgrounds: communists, anarchists, Trotskyists, radicales, and peronistas, who organized demonstrations in favor of divorce, joint parental authority, abortion, and wage equality, against the backdrop of the fight for the national and social liberation of Argentina and Latin America. In the context of the Cold War, the detection of activities deemed "subversive" and the persecution of communists were priority tasks in police activities.