SCHROEDER Romina Valeria
congresos y reuniones científicas
An approach to the impacts of urban tourism in San Telmo (Buenos Aires-Argentina)
Stellenbosch, South Africa
Otro; Global Change and Economic Crisis in Tourism; 2010
Institución organizadora:
International Geographical Union
During the 90s, the growth of tourism in cities has lead to increase public policies towards the urban regeneration. It has often been observed that tourism acts as an economic driver for the expansion and restructuring of urban economies, hence the use of tourism activities as a tool for local economic development is progressively explored, particularly with a focus on inner-city urban revitalization. Argentina thus far has not undertaken sufficient theoretical and thematic research focusing on urban tourism. However, with tourism having shown to be able to accelerate the economic growth of a city, region or country, such research is directly relevant to broader economic development of the country. While these economic improvements through tourism development have been the focus of planning activities, we also increasingly observe negative impacts associated with urban tourism expansion, especially social issues that counteract the goal of tourism to promote social inclusion. After the social, political and economic crisis, (beginning 2001- devaluation of the local currency) Argentina in general and Buenos Aires in particular, have had a substantial increase in income and arrivals from tourism. A process that has also led to a significant diversification with regard to tourism and leisure activities offered. In particular, the entertainment sector seems to drive local community and tourists apart: rather than providing alternatives that benefit both, they are clearly tailored towards tourism (international and national from middle and upper class strata) and "exclusive" consumption activities. Resulting, little benefit is provided to local communities and – worse – tourism (and leisure activities) developments of this kind seem to add (social and economic) segregation in the urban environment. The research initiative has proposed San Telmo as a study case on urban tourism issues, mainly related with impacts assessment. This tourist district is the smallest and most popular within tourists of Buenos Aires city. In the last decade, specialized areas, newer building developments, art and design shops, ethnic restaurants, threat to overwhelm local historical and cultural differences. This raises concerns about the sustainability of this enhance and how to best ensure that increased tourism remains cultural, social and environmental sustainable. Drawing on survey material, secondary data sources and key informant interviews, the purpose of this paper is to advance research in urban tourism and leisure activities by presenting an approach to the impacts associated with urban tourism expansion.