GARCIA Monica Cristina
congresos y reuniones científicas
Evaluation of methodological innovations applied in the Pharmacy degree at the National University of Córdoba based on survey results
Congreso; 4º Reunión Internacional de Ciencias Farmacéuticas-RICiFa; 2016
Pharmacy students have usually difficulties to integrate and correlate the knowledge acquired in the different courses throughout the Pharmacy degree. In year 2015, methodological innovations were incorporated to the course ?Practicanato?, which involves the professional training of students in two centers of practices (CP) that perform in different pharmaceutical fields. Methodological changes involved the implementation of an on-line formulary to pre-select two CP and a new mode of assessment consisting on elaboration of an integrated work (IW) including a written and oral presentation. In addition, a tutoring program (TP) to help students in the development of the IW was implemented. In a previous report, the opinion of students before the course conclusion exam was presented.1 In this work, the impact of the implemented changes was evaluated from the involved student opinions by a half-structured and self-administered questionnaire and an on-line survey responded by students after the course conclusion exam.A statistical analysis of data revealed that 93% felt satisfied with the assigned CP and with their experience in the course unit, while 86% thought that IW contributed to their training to solve issues inherent to professional exercise. The 79% of students considered that the TP was very useful for development and finalization of the IW. The 82% expressed that the assigned tutor was well trained and clear to resolve their doubts, and considered that the meetings with the tutor were very productive. The 69% considered that the applied changes in the subject conferred the most suitable modality for evaluation.Summarizing, it was possible to identify strengths and weaknesses of the implemented innovations. The data obtained suggested that most of the students agreed with the applied modifications, the usefulness of the TP, and they considered that these new methodologies should be maintained in following academic years.