KOZAK Daniel Matias
congresos y reuniones científicas
Mega Projects: the urban dimension
Buenos Aires
Workshop; Mega Events, Mega Projects and Urban Democracy; 2012
Institución organizadora:
Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales (CEUR-CONICET)
Political, symbolic and institutional disruptions will be emphasized in other position papers prepared for the meeting Mega Events, Mega Projects and Urban Democracy, as well as the social conflicts that arise in connection with the realization of mega events or, in general, the implementation of large urban projects. In this text, the discussion about an "urban dimension" of mega projects will emphasize: a) the set of territorial transformations related to discontinuities in the city structuring and in the social appropriation of urban space; b) changes in the configuration of certain spaces of the city in order to adapt them to address functions that refer to the local, regional, national or global spheres - this discussion could also be presented as a reflection on "the new spatial forms that arise from social reconfigurations and, at the same time, define the conditions of new reconfigurations"; c) the relationship between the implementation of mega projects and their relation to the distribution of socioenvironmental risks and impacts, especially with regard to population displacements and removals promoted by large projects or, more generally, to forms of social appropriation of gains and losses generated in the process; d) the physical-spatial relationship between Large-Scale Urban Projects (LUP) and the consolidated city, especially with regards to their pedestrian accessibility, their integration to the open public space system, and connection to the mass transport system.