CHARLIN Judith Emilce
capítulos de libros
Aprovisionamiento de materias primas líticas en el NO de la provincia de La Pampa a fines del siglo XIX
Del mar a los salitrales. Diez mil años de historia pampeana en el umbral del tercer milenio
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Facultad de Humanidades, Laboratorio de Arqueología
Lugar: Mar del Plata; Año: 2002; p. 205 - 218
Having identified the raw materials of the lithic artifacts recovered from the Don Isidoro 2 site, assigned to a Ranquel occupation from the late XIX century, and the location of their potential sources, some questions arose concerning the first couple of stages in the lithic production system (sensu Ericson 1984): the access to the sources and the supply of raw materials.The definition of the regional lithic resources base (sensu  Berón et al. 1995) and the information supplied by historic documents, allow us to report on some geographic and sociopolitical factors that might have been having some influence in the access and supply of lithic resources on the part of the Ranqueles groups.In this sense, we claim that the brake up of the traditional mobility circuits produced by the advance of the frontiers of the growing Argentine National State and the ever more intense inter-ethnic conflict, which were part of the socio-historic context, have been limiting factors which restricted the access to the best sources of good quality lithic materials.Correlatively, we expect this to show in the archaeological record as a technological behavior of conservation of the raw materials (sensu  Nelson 1991).In this paper we present the results achieved by our investigation, linking the information afforded by the archaeological evidence and historical documents.