RADOVICH Juan Carlos
Mapuche handicrafts trading. Production of sense and socio-cultural reproduction
Suvremene Teme
Centar za politoloska Istrazivanja
Lugar: Zagreb, Croacia; Año: 2010 vol. 1 p. 38 - 52
RESUMENES EN INGLES Y CROATA: Mapuche handicrafts trading. Production of sense and socio-cultural reproduction Radovich, Juan Carlos; Rotman, Monica; Balazote, Alejandro Trgovanje Mapuche rukotvorinama: proizvodnja smisla i sociokulturna reprodukcija Radovich, Juan Carlos; Rotman, Monica; Balazote, Alejandro The aim of this article is to study the characteristics and the dynamics of different ways of trade of handicrafts used by the producers belonging to the Mapuche communities in Lacar and Huiliches Departments in the Province of Neuquen, Argentina. The trade of handicrafts is of vital importance for the inhabitants of these areas of this Patagonian province. Direct selling to tourists, sales in organized events such as fairs and meetings, the commercialization through downtown shops, and the “in situ” purchase made by different intermediaries constitute different alternatives to the commercialization made by the state agency “Artesanias Nequinas” [Handicrafts from Neuquen according to its name in Spanish]. These scenarios, in which the sale of handicrafts is developed, are linked to the reproduction of producers and contribute to set different identity expressions, constituting spaces for production of senses, both from Mapuche communities (sellers) and from the Winkas community (consumers).kljuène rijeèi:  Cilj ovog rada je temeljito se usredotoèiti i kritièki se suoèiti s teorijskom i metodološkom koncepcijom sociološke refleksivnosti. Èlanak potom daje pregled relevantnih rasprava o sociološkim i metodološkim definicijama refleksivnosti, kao i o kompleksnom odnosu prema pojmovima sebe i glasnogovorništva. Konceptualna elaboracija obaju pojmova naglašava kljuènu važnost relacijske dimenzije nad rizicima i opasnostima subjektivizma/objektivizma, reifikacije (blackboxing) i esencijalizma. Takoðer, posebna važnost dana je apofatièkoj dimenziji refleksivnosti, naspram eurocentriène (vestocentriène) i preaktivistièke (ili katafatièke) dimenzije koja neizbježno vodi u pretjerano analitièki naglasak na èvrstom ureðenju, instrumentaliziranom i vremenski praæenom pristupu inherentno dinamiènim i fluidnim procesima samosvijesti, samoiskustva, samopoimanja i samoidentificiranja.kljuène rijeèi: refleksivnost  znanje  sociologija  epistemologija  metodologija  društvena teorija  glasnogovorništvo  Mapuche handicrafts trading. Production of sense and socio-cultural reproduction :: [>>>]Radovich, Juan Carlos; Rotman, Monica; Balazote, Alejandro Trgovanje Mapuche rukotvorinama: proizvodnja smisla i sociokulturna reprodukcija :: [>>>]Radovich, Juan Carlos; Rotman, Monica; Balazote, Alejandro The aim of this article is to study the characteristics and the dynamics of different ways of trade of handicrafts used by the producers belonging to the Mapuche communities in Lacar and Huiliches Departments in the Province of Neuquen, Argentina. The trade of handicrafts is of vital importance for the inhabitants of these areas of this Patagonian province. Direct selling to tourists, sales in organized events such as fairs and meetings, the commercialization through downtown shops, and the “in situ” purchase made by different intermediaries constitute different alternatives to the commercialization made by the state agency “Artesanias Nequinas” [Handicrafts from Neuquen according to its name in Spanish]. These scenarios, in which the sale of handicrafts is developed, are linked to the reproduction of producers and contribute to set different identity expressions, constituting spaces for production of senses, both from Mapuche communities (sellers) and from the Winkas community (consumers). Mapuche handicrafts trading. Production of sense and socio-cultural reproduction :: [>>>]Radovich, Juan Carlos; Rotman, Monica; Balazote, Alejandro Trgovanje Mapuche rukotvorinama: proizvodnja smisla i sociokulturna reprodukcija :: [>>>]Radovich, Juan Carlos; Rotman, Monica; Balazote, Alejandro The aim of this article is to study the characteristics and the dynamics of different ways of trade of handicrafts used by the producers belonging to the Mapuche communities in Lacar and Huiliches Departments in the Province of Neuquen, Argentina. The trade of handicrafts is of vital importance for the inhabitants of these areas of this Patagonian province. Direct selling to tourists, sales in organized events such as fairs and meetings, the commercialization through downtown shops, and the “in situ” purchase made by different intermediaries constitute different alternatives to the commercialization made by the state agency “Artesanias Nequinas” [Handicrafts from Neuquen according to its name in Spanish]. These scenarios, in which the sale of handicrafts is developed, are linked to the reproduction of producers and contribute to set different identity expressions, constituting spaces for production of senses, both from Mapuche communities (sellers) and from the Winkas community (consumers).