HYNES Erica Rut
congresos y reuniones científicas
Women in scientific, political and institutional positions at Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina
Simposio; Gender Summit 2014 - From Ideas to Markets: Excellence in mainstreaming gender into research, innovation, and policy; 2014
Institución organizadora:
GenSET (European Comission)
Universidad Nacional del Litoral is a higher education institution born in 1919 in Santa Fe, Argentina. It is among the most performing research universities of the country, in the 7th place according to global production of indexed documents and in the 3th, regarding to most quoted documents. Women represent 47.5% of the total academic staff and 50.1% of the faculty focused on research and development. The objective of this study was to quantify the proportion of women in decision-making positions, both as scientists or government staff, in order to assess their representativity and describe their careers. We obtained numbers of faculty and academic staff from "Mapuche", the application used for human resource management in Argentinean universities. Secondary sources from CONICET (National Council of Research in Science and Technology), the most important Argentinean research organism, and from Programa Nacional de Incentivos, a system that classify faculty according to their research activities and hours of work, were also required. We defined a number of academics mainly focused on research by combining their weekly hours of research and their position in the ?Incentivos? program. The number of women in decision-making positions in the university government was also recorded from secondary sources, taking into account two different categories: elective positions, i.e. deans and counselors elected by students, alumni, assistant professors, and faculty, and non-elective positions, such as vice-rectors, directors and advisors at colleges and central administration. The proportion of women in academic positions was higher in basal categories both when teaching or research activities were observed. Presence of women decreased in most symbolically or economically valuable positions such as Investigador Superior (CONICET) or Profesor titular (UNL). Nevertheless, the temporal series showed a slow increase of women in mid and mid-high research categories (categories II and III of "incentivos", adjunct professor and independent or principal researcher of CONICET). Government positions showed a less encouraging trend, with a total of 10 male deans for the 10 colleges of UNL at the time of this study, as well as 9/10 vice-rectors. The council of the University, which according to Argentinean higher education public system includes students and graduates besides academic staff, had only 13% women, and the social council, an advising organism, had no female representatives over a total of 11 counselors. On the other hand, women were more umerous in the second and third lines of non-elective government staff. The results reinforces the notion than women are more successful when meritocratic mechanisms are applied to selection of staff, while they find more obstacles in positions determined by political alliances and recognition. After the present study, we proposed an affirmative action in 2012, while the statute of UNL was being discussed and reformed; a gender quota of 30% minimum was included for the counselors? election in the cases a list system applies. No gender policy was included for uninominal positions such as deans or professor counselors. Changes are operative since 2013.