LOPEZ Sebastian David
congresos y reuniones científicas
Rabbit-like time delays in w-2w argon ionization
Workshop; Atomic Collisions and Applications; 2019
Institución organizadora:
Instituto de F[isica de Rosario
When an intense short laser pulse interacts with an atom ionizing it, the photoelectron spectrapresent several structures that can be understood as double slit interferences in the time domain, namelyintra- and inter-cycle interferences formed by electrons that emerge from the atom and follow directlyto detector [1]. There is another type of structures that requires interference of direct electrontrajectories with others that interact with the parent core [2]. In a classical picture, the rescatteringtrajectories return to the parent ion driven by the laser field and rescatters off to the detector. It is wellknown that a short range potential is sufficient to understand the rescattering rings at high energy,formed by very hard interaction among electron and ion [3]. Other structures can be explained onlywhen long range coulomb interactions take place. This type of structures can be interpreted asholograms, i.e. the interference pattern between the direct (reference) and the rescattered (signal beam)electrons. In this way, the information of the interaction is encoded in the interference pattern betweenthe reference and the signal [4].In this work we analyze the ionization of atomic hydrogen to characterize the role that the longrange Coulomb interaction plays in the holographic structures. We show in Fig. 1 photoelectrondistributions as a function of parallel kz and perpendicular k momentum to polarization axis calculatedwith the semiclassical two step model (SCTS) model [5] (upper panel) and the numerical solution ofthe time dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE) (lower panel). We observe interference patternsresembling a dispersion of an electron wave packet from a potential centered in the origin in bothcalculations[1] Arbó D G et al., Phys. Rev. A 82 (2010), 043426; ibid 81, 021403.[2] López S D and Arbó D G, Phys. Rev. A 100 (2019), 023419.[3] López S D and Arbó D G, Eur. Phys. Jour. D 73, 28 (2019).[4] Huismans, Y. et al., Science 331 (2011), 61.[5] Shvetsov-Shilovski, N. et al., Phys. Rev. A 94 (2016), 013415.