IDH   23901
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
congresos y reuniones científicas
Speakers as skilled and stylish persons
Villa General Belgrano, Córdoba
Workshop; VIII Workshop con Language, Cognition and Context; 2019
Institución organizadora:
CIFYH- Fac. Filosofía y Humanidades, UNC
This paper, "Speech, Skill, and the Significance of Style", at least so far, is part of a trilogy of papers closely related to each other by their themes and objectives. Although the focus is on different dimensions, I dare to affirm that all of them argue in favor of the philosophical interest of linguistic diversity, not only of resources, but also of the uses of the linguistic systems. In this paper, however, that theme will only be explicitly addressed, very briefly, at the end, in terms of the linguistic justice problem. I hope I can be able to show why, however, the proposition defended in the paper is only understood completely if the philosophical and anthropological significance of the linguistic diversity is recognized. In this observation, I hope I can examine the main arguments offered by Ethan Nowak, indicate in which aspects I completely agree with him and why, and in which aspects I could propose different types and scopes of amendments that, in my opinion, could enrich his proposition. What is more, I will note some doubts triggered by the way in which he formulates some ideas or suggestions.