MASTAGLIA Silvina Rosana
congresos y reuniones científicas
Low Endogenous Estradiol Levels Maintain Bone Mass in Younger Postmenopausal Women After One Year Follow Up.
Minneapolis Convention Center
Congreso; Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Resarch; 2003
Institución organizadora:
The American Society For Bone and Mineral Research
Low Endogenous Estradiol Levels Maintain Bone Mass in Younger Postmenopausal Women After One Year Follow Up A. Bagur1, B. Oliveri1, S. Mastaglia*1, A. Crist¨®fari*1, D. Yankelevich*2, F. Sayegh*2, M. Royer*2, C. Mautalen1. 1Secci¨®n Osteopat¨ªas M¨¦dicas, Hospital de Cl¨ªnicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2Secci¨®n Climaterio, Divisi¨®n Ginecolog¨ªa, Hospital de Cl¨ªnicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Estradiol levels higher than 10 pg/ml and testosterone were involved in the maintenance of bone mineral density (BMD) in healthy postmenopausal (PMP) women as reported in a previous cross-sectional study.The aim of this study was to evaluate if the low endogenous estradiol levels protect BMD along one year of follow up without any preventive treatment for osteoporosis. Preliminary results of 34 PMP women aged 55 to 75 years were included. We excluded 3 patients because they started specific osteoporosis treatment. The BMD of L2-L4, Total Femur (TF) and Total Skeleton (TS) was measured by DXA (Lunar Prodigy). Serum calcium, bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP), crosslaps (CTX), estradiol and testosterone, and urine calcium were measured. Estradiol was measured with a sensitive assay that detects up to 5 pg/ml. The population was divided in two groups: ¡Ü65 (n:19) and >65 years of age (n:15). The preliminary biochemical results of the population were (mean ¡À DS): Serum calcium 9.4¡À0.4 mg/dl, phosphate 3.9¡À0.4 mg/dl, BAP 69.2¡À23.2 UI/L and urine calcium 152¡À83.1 mg/24hs.The groups were also stratified according to baseline estradiol levels: ¡Ü10 and >10 pg/ml and the results were analyzed as a percentage of change of estradiol and BMD from the baseline to one year follow up. Younger PMP women (¡Ü65) who had > 10 pg/ml of estradiol at baseline maintained their BMD at all skeletal sites and estradiol levels. On the other hand PMP women >65 with > 10 pg/ml of estradiol at baseline had a diminution of their estradiol levels (-44%, p<0.01) and also of the BMD of the TF (p<0.05), TS (p<0.01) and L2-L4 (p 0.07,ns). All the population with ¡Ü10 pg/ml of estradiol decreased their BMD at all skeletal areas although the change did not reach statistical significance.In conclusion, 1- Endogenous estradiol levels more than 10 pg/ml maintained the BMD in younger postmenopausal women along one year follow up without preventive treatment for osteoporosis.2-Healthy postmenopausal women > 65 years of age had an important changes in the estradiol levels (-44%) accompanied with a decrease in the BMD