IBAM   22618
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
congresos y reuniones científicas
1-MCP and ABA on Cabernet Sauvignon enhance berries per bunch, but
San Luis, Argentina
Congreso; XXXII Reunión Científica de la Soc. de Biología de Cuyo.; 2009
Institución organizadora:
Soc. Biología de Cuyo
Stimulate berry set is an agronomical tool for improve yield on viticulture. Previously we showed that foliar sprays of abscisic acid (ABA) enhance yield in Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon increasing the number of berries per bunch, without affecting the anthocyanin contents and the poliphenol index. In Vitis it has been informed that it produces an increase of endogen ethylene on pre-veraison stages. The hypothesis of the present work is that ABA decrease fruit abscission because it inhibits synthesis and/or action of ethylene. The objective was to evaluate the effect of ABA and 1-metilciclopropene (1-MCP, inhibitor of ethylene action, SmartFresh-Rhom&Hass Co.) on yield and composition of berries in Cabernet Sauvignon. The assay was established on a vineyard in Mendoza, Argentine. 1-MCP (100ppm) was applied in two frequencies: one only application in bloom (MCP1) and six weekly applications since bloom (MCP 6); ABA (250 ppm) it was sprayed weekly since bloom until harvest (ABA). MCP 6 and ABA treatments significantly enhance the number of berries per bunch, even so MCP 6 treatment significantly improved yield. 1-MCP treatments did not affect the composition of berries considering the poliphenol and anthocyanin contents, but ABA shows significantly improvements of these metabolites at harvest, suggesting that the hormone have additionally effects besides the inhibition of synthesis and/or action of ethylene.Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon increasing the number of berries per bunch, without affecting the anthocyanin contents and the poliphenol index. In Vitis it has been informed that it produces an increase of endogen ethylene on pre-veraison stages. The hypothesis of the present work is that ABA decrease fruit abscission because it inhibits synthesis and/or action of ethylene. The objective was to evaluate the effect of ABA and 1-metilciclopropene (1-MCP, inhibitor of ethylene action, SmartFresh-Rhom&Hass Co.) on yield and composition of berries in Cabernet Sauvignon. The assay was established on a vineyard in Mendoza, Argentine. 1-MCP (100ppm) was applied in two frequencies: one only application in bloom (MCP1) and six weekly applications since bloom (MCP 6); ABA (250 ppm) it was sprayed weekly since bloom until harvest (ABA). MCP 6 and ABA treatments significantly enhance the number of berries per bunch, even so MCP 6 treatment significantly improved yield. 1-MCP treatments did not affect the composition of berries considering the poliphenol and anthocyanin contents, but ABA shows significantly improvements of these metabolites at harvest, suggesting that the hormone have additionally effects besides the inhibition of synthesis and/or action of ethylene.