OVIEDO Eduardo Daniel
congresos y reuniones científicas
World Economic Crisis, Chinese agrarian reform and the perspective of the soybean industry in the Argentine-Chinese trade
Congreso; VIII World Soybean Research Conference; 2009
Institución organizadora:
World Soybean Conference
Presentación de ponencia y poster. Resumen: In the past two decades, the soybean production in the United States, Brazil and Argentina has continuously been expanded according to the growth of the Chinese demand, although the South American production has had a better performance than that of the United States. To the present, this growing tendency of the Argentine soybean products exports to China is threatened of disruption as result of the world crisis and the contraction of the Chinese demand. Also there was a reduction in the 2008-2009 crop sales caused by the effects of the Argentine supply decrease, which was originated in climatic conditions and in the governmental measures thatdiscouraged farmers from investment. But, in fact, the soybean and soybean oil continue to be the most important products in the bilateral trade and, at the same time, are a model to extend the exports supply. In this case, the Argentine government policies should assume the challenge of enlarging the horizontal production and increasing the value in vertical form, as well as extending the diversification of markets, where China will be an important buyer among other countries.