CORSO Laura Estela
capítulos de libros
The Ciceronian Tradition of Ius Naturae in the diffusion of the Bonum. The Lecture of Philip the Chancellor
Causality and Resemblance: Medieval Approaches to the Explanation of Nature
Europeae Memoria - Georg Olms Verlag
Lugar: Hildesheim; Año: 2018; p. 103 - 116
The paper aims to examinate as a central matter the quaestio presented by Philip Chancellor in his Summa to justify the diffusivity of good in the ambit of human actions.In the first part of his Summa the parisian Master sets the goodnes in the identity of metaphisical nature- between ENS and BONUM, in the context of its exposition about COMMUNISSIMA, whereby ens identifies with BONUM, but also with VERUM and UNUM.But in the second part, when he begins his moral treatise, he examinates how the condition of human nature can participate of the diffusivity of goodnes in the exercise of free will. So, the intention of this study is: the signification of ciceronian tradition of IUS NATURAE in the way of justification of the diffusivity of good in the field of the operative-contingent. The sections of this paper are following: 1)Preliminary considerations. 2) The diffusive path of the bonum in the composition of the world. 3) The problem with the diffusion of bonum in the practical/moral order.