ABRAHAM Elena Maria
congresos y reuniones científicas
Restoration and the combat of desertification in the dry Central Andes region of Argentina: Monte Desert
Conferencia; One day Conference: Desert Restoration Bites: 6 tales from 6 continents; 2013
Institución organizadora:
University of Greenwich
Restoration in the Monte Desert Biome implies: 1. Knowledge of the current system: to understand its structure and current functioning, with emphasis on ecosystem services. 2. Identification of degradation processes, local and remote causes, symptoms and outcomes. 3. Reconstruction of the initial state of the ecosystem and its populations. 4. Knowledge and projection of the desired system (by the people, by local governments, and by all stakeholders with interests in the territory: large producers, absentee owners, mining and oil companies, the State with its proposals for land conservation and use, transnationals with interests in the area). 5. Compatibility of expectations and interests. These previous levels/times allow us access to thinking of a restoration proposal that takes into account: 1. The supplies of the initial system and current conditions to restore them. 2. The demand by current and potential residents/users (it is essential to take into account the pressure situations of the context). 3. Costs and the contribution of users.