IMBECU   20882
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
congresos y reuniones científicas
Desafíos bioéticos en Biología Reproductiva
San Luis
Congreso; XXXVII Reunión Científica Anual de la Sociedad de Biológica de Cuyo; 2019
Institución organizadora:
Sociedad de Biología de Cuyo
BIOETHICAL CHALLENGES AGAINST TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES IN REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY.Laconi, Myriam R. Laboratorio de Fisiopatología Ovárica. IMBECU-CONICET- Mendoza. e-mail: mlaconi@mendoza-conicet.gob.arBioethics is a space for study and reflection in the construction of positions based on unstoppable scientific and technological advances. Thanks to the advances of science, solutions have been discovered for numerous problems of humanity with clear positive consequences, but also, there have been situations with undoubted bioethical objections. Given these challenges and dilemmas, bioethics analyzes the cost and benefit of each advance. The question arises, "Is everything that is technically possible ethically acceptable?" The bioethics debate about the human right to decide about your body, sexuality, reproductive rights, how to face the disease, aging and the right to die with dignity. It provides tools and builds a regulatory framework on which laws can be generated to achieve general welfare within the framework of freedom. Reproductive biology exhibe numerous bioethical challenges such as assisted fertilization, gamete manipulation and genetic editing. The genetic edition of human embryos using the CRISP Cas9 technique has caused a scientific revolution. CRISPR CAS 9 means short, palindromic, grouped and regularly interspaced repetitions. The genetic edition of human embryos raises the possibility of avoiding diseases of genetic transmission, improves xenotransplants, improve the quality of milk and meat but also, the possibility of changing the genome and choosing traitsspecail features is very risky. Many scientists fear eugenics (good origin) or the application of the biological laws of inheritance to the perfection of the human species. So, ¿are all possible applications of CRISP Cas 9 known today? What are the limits? There is still much to define, for example, the ecological risk of altering natural evolution and use in biological terrorism. An impasse is required to reflect on the consequences and where we want to go as a species.