IANIGLA   20881
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
congresos y reuniones científicas
Mitigation and adaptation measures to reduce the impacts of climate change. Assessment of climate extremes in biodiversity threatened regions
Workshop; 2011 Biodiversity and Climate Change Working Group Workshop; 2011
Institución organizadora:
Eularinet - Colciencias
Proposed Joint Project European Union - Latin America on the role of Climate extremes in biodiversity collapseRational:Climatic extremes are the principal driver of collapse in ecosystems, and of increasing risk and vulnerability in populated areas and of impact in agriculture and forestry.  PROPOSED MECHANISM FOR IMPLEMENTATION Should focus on climate change and its role in altering the frequency, severity, and impact of extreme events or disasters. Assessment of data banks and former studies on extreme events in selected regions of L.A.. Assessment of available knowledge on impacts, adaptation and resilience of ecosystems, focusing on time period from a few years in the past to several years into the future Case studies, focused on particular kinds of extremes, at selected regions of L.A. and E.U., and examples of modes of adaptation and/or resilience. 1.-Assessment of  extreme events for which climate change has amplified variability or may do so in the future (severity of drought, windstorms, extreme temperatures, etc). 2.- Assessment of events in which trends outside the domain of climate increase exposure or vulnerability of ecosystems to climate related extremes. (land use changes, new agriculture practices, etc) 3.-Assessment of potentially hazardous events and conditions that may occur as a result of climate change (wildfires, landslides, insect infestations, etc)  4.- Use of regional downscale models to forecast future climate variability and duration, severity and frequency of climate extremes GOALS Climate-related extreme events and observed changes Nature, frequency, intensity and duration of present day climate-related extreme events. Trends in extreme events including regional distribution and disaster hotspots. Attribution of the observed changes. Observed impacts of extreme events on the natural and human environment Study of links between extreme events, hazards, and their impacts on ecosystems. Complex phenomena, non-linearity, and the role of different spatial scales. Ecological impacts of climate-related disasters and implications for biodiversity conservancy. Relevant climate-related events: abnormal temperatures, droughts, floods, and hurricanes.  Vulnerability to extreme events, drivers, trends and distribution Vulnerability of ecosystems, and  natural resources Future vulnerability related to development pathways. Particular vulnerable ecosystems. Future projections extreme events and disasters Implications of climate variability, complex extremes and regional differences. Possibilities for downscaling on local level and long term forecast of extreme events. Projected trends in disaster occurrence and regional distribution. Projected trends in key vulnerabilities of biophysical systems.