capítulos de libros
Comparison of socio-demographic characteristics as predictors of alcohol and injury across 10 countries
Prevention of Alcohol-Related Injuries in the Americas: From Evidence to Policy Action
Organización Panamericana de la Salud
Año: 2013; p. 99 - 108
This chapter reviews the data on the association between demographic characteristics and alcohol use before injury for emergency department (ED) patients in 10 countries in the Americas collected from ED studies. Using World Bank income indicators to examine alcohol use and injury, ED patients in lower-middle-income countries (Guatemala, Guyana,and Nicaragua) and upper-middle-income countries (Argentina, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Mexico,and Panama) were no different than patients from the high-income countries (Canada and the United States) in their likelihood to report an alcohol-related injury. However, different patterns emerged when gender and current drinking status were considered. Male ED patients showed no significant differences between country income groups overall but when men that were current alcohol users were compared, men in the lower-middle-income countries were 60% more likely to report an alcohol-related injury compared to men in the high-income countries. Conversely, women from high-income countries were nearly twice as likely to report an alcohol-related injury event compared to women lower-middle and upper-middle income groups overall yet, when women that were current users of alcohol were compared, no significant differences were evident between the groups. Overall, an alcohol-related injury was more likely to be reported by men regardless of country income level but other demographic predictors of alcohol-related injury (age, education, and employment) differed by country income group. Findings suggest there are important differences in the alcohol-injury association by country level economic development, and differentially by gender, underscoring the need for a cross-country and gender-focused perspective.