TATO Maria Ines
congresos y reuniones científicas
"The First World War on the streets: Buenos Aires and New York"
Congreso; 13th International Conference on Urban History; 2016
Institución organizadora:
European Association for Urban History
The outbreak of the First World War in August 1914 brought ethnic,cultural and political identities into conflict on the battlefields of Europe,but on the city streets of New York and Buenos Aires, despite the neutrality ofthe United States and Argentina, the effects of the war were as keenly felt.The conflict brought greater focus from authorities and immigrant communitiesthemselves within these diverse metropolitan areas on the nature of nationaland civic identity. Both New York and Buenos Aires experienced mass immigrationduring the nineteenth century ensuring that at the outset of the twentiethcentury both cities were largely populated by first or second generationEuropean immigrants. With their former homelands cast into conflict, residentsof these two cities responded to the war in a variety of ways; declaringallegiance to a European ?motherland?, defining their identity with theiradopted nation and engaging in debates regarding the morality and purpose ofthe global conflagration. Through the examination of the parades, protests and displays thattook place on the city streets of Buenos Aires and New York during 1914 to1917, this paper places the ?street-scene? as the vital means of assessing theeffect of the war beyond the confining  notionsof combatant and neutral states. The expression, control and representation ofidentities within these metropolises demonstrates that whilst the actualfighting was elsewhere the war was still fought on the streets of Buenos Airesand New York.