congresos y reuniones científicas
A step towards a unifying model for eye movements
Bahía Blanca
Conferencia; VI Argentinian Conference of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CAB2C); 2015
Institución organizadora:
Asociación Argentina de Bioinformatica y Biologia Computacional
The human brain is one of the most complex natural creations that exist on Earth. Much of its complexity is associated with the sophisticated sensors that connect it with the surrounding world. Our vision system, in particular, highlights the brain-detector integration that nature has achieved to permit detection of electromagnetic waves in the visible range and with varying intensities of light. This integration and the various movements that nature has implemented to prevent the fading of the stationary elements appearing in the visual field allow using eye as a tool to diagnose neural diseases. During reading a text, the eye move following a pattern that is strongly modified from normal when working memory fail. This is allow to diagnose Alzheimer [1]. Various types of movements can be identified in a normal eye: smooth pursuit and saccades are register with large angles. On the other hand, movements with much smaller amplitude like micro-saccades, drift and tremor also occur. Micro-saccadic movement can be associated with attention problems [2,3]. Given the importance of all them present, we report in this work a study of the micro-movements based on the use of a physical-mathematical mechanical model. A study of the dependence on the parameters appearing in the model will be performed.[1] Fernández G, Laubrock J, Mandolesi P, Colombo O, Agamennoni O: Registering eye movements during reading in Alzheimer disease: difficulties in predicting upcoming words. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 2014, 36(3):302-316.[2] Hayhoe M, Ballard D: Eye movements in natural behavior. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2005, 9:188?194. [3] Ibanez A, Cetkovich M, Petroni A, Urquina H, Baez S, Gonzalez-Gadea ML, et al. The Neural Basis of Decision-Making and Reward Processing in Adults with Euthymic Bipolar Disorder or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). PLoS ONE 2012, 7: e37306. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037306.