SETTON Clara Patricia
congresos y reuniones científicas
Migration of bone marrow mononuclear cells to the crushed sciatic nerve. Its effect on remyelination.
Huerta Grande, Córdoba, Argentina.
Congreso; 1º Reunión Conjunta de Neurociencias.; 2009
Institución organizadora:
Sociedad Argentina de Neurociencias, Taller de Neurociencias
Migration of Bone Marrow mononuclear Cells to the crushed sciatic nerve. ITS Effect on Remyelination. Vanina Usach, Lucía Lavalle, Belén Goitia, Rocío Martinez Vivot and Patricia Setton-Avruj Department of Biological Chemistry, School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Buenos Aires, IQUFIB, UBA-CONICET, IIMHNO-UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina.   We have previously described in a reversible model of Wallerian degeneration the demyelination of the distal stump of the crushed sciatic nerve in terms of P0 and MBP levels. During the same period we have also demonstrated the migration of transplanted bone marrow mononuclear cells to the distal stump of the injured nerve. The aim of the present work is to study the remyelination of the crushed sciatic nerve and to evaluate whether BMMC migrate to the injured nerve in order to participate in the demyelinating and/ or in the remyelinating process. For this purpose, adult Wistar rats were submitted to the crush of the right sciatic nerve and sacrificed at different survival times. BMMC isolated from the bone marrow extruded from tibia and femur bones were dyed with a fluorescent probe and injected intravenously immediately after crushing the sciatic nerve in order to evaluate their migration to the injured area. IHC analyses were done to evaluate the demyelination-remyelination of the nerve, the endogenous migration of BMMCs and the phenotype of BMMCs once they reached the nerve. Our results clearly demonstrate that the remyelination process begins 28 days post injury, reaching normal values by 60 days. The endogenous migration of CD34+ cells exclusively to distal stump of the injured nerve was observed from 3 days to 14 days post injury. Our results also show the colocalization of CD34+ cells, a BMMCs marker, with S100, a universal SC marker, exclusively in the crush area and the distal stump of the ipsilateral nerve. More experiments are necessary to confirm the role of BMMCs in the degeneration-regeneration process and to choose the population of BMMC that works best for future transplantation therapies.