CEDIE   05498
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
congresos y reuniones científicas
Intra or postoperative PTH by chemiluminescence immunoassay predicts postoperative hypocalcemia in thyroidectomized children.
Coasta do Sauipe, Bahia, Brazil
Congreso; XXI Annual Meeting of the Latin American Society for Pediatric Endocrinology (SLEP); 2010
Institución organizadora:
Latin American Society for Pediatric Endocrinology
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of intra and postoperative
PTH determination to predict postoperative hypocalcemia in
thyroidectomized patients. Methods: 20 patients undergoing total
thyroidectomy were prospectively and longitudinally studied. PTH
(ICMA, CVs <5.4%, functional sensitivity=8pg/mL) was measured
pre, intra and post surgery (baseline, 5 and 60 minutes after glandular
extraction). Signs or symptoms of hypocalcemia and total calcium
(TCa) or ionized calcium (iCa) were monitored regularly for
48 hours postoperative. Hypocalcemia was defined as TCa <8 mg/
dL and/or iCa <0.8 nmol/L. ROC curves were used to identify the
PTH level that provided the best prediction of postoperative hypocalcemia
according to their sensitivity (S), specificity (Sp) diagnostic
efficiency (DEf) and positive predicted value (PPV). Results:10/20
patients developed hypocalcemia, 40% in the first 6 hours, 40% at 24
hours and 20% at 48 hours post surgery. In 3/10 it was symptomatic.
Intraoperative PTH<14 pg/mL predicted hypocalcemia with S: 80%,
Sp:100%, DEf: 90%(95%CI, 72100) and PPV:100%, while postoperative
PTH<14 pg/mL showed S: 80%, Sp:90%, DEf: 82%(95%CI,
63100) and PPV:80%. Relative Risk of developing hypocalcemia
after thyroidectomy was 9 when PTH intra/postoperative <14 pg/mL.To evaluate the effectiveness of intra and postoperative
PTH determination to predict postoperative hypocalcemia in
thyroidectomized patients. Methods: 20 patients undergoing total
thyroidectomy were prospectively and longitudinally studied. PTH
(ICMA, CVs <5.4%, functional sensitivity=8pg/mL) was measured
pre, intra and post surgery (baseline, 5 and 60 minutes after glandular
extraction). Signs or symptoms of hypocalcemia and total calcium
(TCa) or ionized calcium (iCa) were monitored regularly for
48 hours postoperative. Hypocalcemia was defined as TCa <8 mg/
dL and/or iCa <0.8 nmol/L. ROC curves were used to identify the
PTH level that provided the best prediction of postoperative hypocalcemia
according to their sensitivity (S), specificity (Sp) diagnostic
efficiency (DEf) and positive predicted value (PPV). Results:10/20
patients developed hypocalcemia, 40% in the first 6 hours, 40% at 24
hours and 20% at 48 hours post surgery. In 3/10 it was symptomatic.
Intraoperative PTH<14 pg/mL predicted hypocalcemia with S: 80%,
Sp:100%, DEf: 90%(95%CI, 72100) and PPV:100%, while postoperative
PTH<14 pg/mL showed S: 80%, Sp:90%, DEf: 82%(95%CI,
63100) and PPV:80%. Relative Risk of developing hypocalcemia
after thyroidectomy was 9 when PTH intra/postoperative <14 pg/mL.Methods: 20 patients undergoing total
thyroidectomy were prospectively and longitudinally studied. PTH
(ICMA, CVs <5.4%, functional sensitivity=8pg/mL) was measured
pre, intra and post surgery (baseline, 5 and 60 minutes after glandular
extraction). Signs or symptoms of hypocalcemia and total calcium
(TCa) or ionized calcium (iCa) were monitored regularly for
48 hours postoperative. Hypocalcemia was defined as TCa <8 mg/
dL and/or iCa <0.8 nmol/L. ROC curves were used to identify the
PTH level that provided the best prediction of postoperative hypocalcemia
according to their sensitivity (S), specificity (Sp) diagnostic
efficiency (DEf) and positive predicted value (PPV). Results:10/20
patients developed hypocalcemia, 40% in the first 6 hours, 40% at 24
hours and 20% at 48 hours post surgery. In 3/10 it was symptomatic.
Intraoperative PTH<14 pg/mL predicted hypocalcemia with S: 80%,
Sp:100%, DEf: 90%(95%CI, 72100) and PPV:100%, while postoperative
PTH<14 pg/mL showed S: 80%, Sp:90%, DEf: 82%(95%CI,
63100) and PPV:80%. Relative Risk of developing hypocalcemia
after thyroidectomy was 9 when PTH intra/postoperative <14 pg/mL.Results:10/20
patients developed hypocalcemia, 40% in the first 6 hours, 40% at 24
hours and 20% at 48 hours post surgery. In 3/10 it was symptomatic.
Intraoperative PTH<14 pg/mL predicted hypocalcemia with S: 80%,
Sp:100%, DEf: 90%(95%CI, 72100) and PPV:100%, while postoperative
PTH<14 pg/mL showed S: 80%, Sp:90%, DEf: 82%(95%CI,
63100) and PPV:80%. Relative Risk of developing hypocalcemia
after thyroidectomy was 9 when PTH intra/postoperative <14 pg/mL.
Conclusion: Intra and postoperative PTH accurately predicts postoperative
hypocalcemia, identifying those thyroidectomized patients
at risk and allowing immediate prophylactic treatment.Intra and postoperative PTH accurately predicts postoperative
hypocalcemia, identifying those thyroidectomized patients
at risk and allowing immediate prophylactic treatment.