IBONE   05434
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
A New Species of Pavonia (Malvaceae) from Southern Brazil
Lugar: Laramie; Año: 2011 vol. 36 p. 419 - 423
Pavoll ia secreta (Malvaceae) is a new species from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazi l. This new species belongs to subgenus Paoonia and is related to P. xanthogloca. Paoonia secreta can be dis ting uished by the abse nce of a tu ft of long and simple trichomes at the apex of the petiol e and on the abax ial sid e of the leaf, and by pa ler foliage; it presents dark pink flowers, wi th larger pe tals and stem tube; has larger mericarps, which are tuberculate-rugose wi th 2- 3 tub ercules on each side. Panonia secreta is an end emic sp ecies restri cted to Pedra do Segre do, Morro do Leáo and a neighbouring hill, localit ies that belong to Cacap ava do Sul munícípality, in sou the rn Brazil. We pre sent a morph ological description, illus tra tions , and ecologica l da ta, as well as a key inclu ding a morphologically similar spec ies.(Malvaceae) is a new species from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazi l. This new species belongs to subgenus Paoonia and is related to P. xanthogloca. Paoonia secreta can be dis ting uished by the abse nce of a tu ft of long and simple trichomes at the apex of the petiol e and on the abax ial sid e of the leaf, and by pa ler foliage; it presents dark pink flowers, wi th larger pe tals and stem tube; has larger mericarps, which are tuberculate-rugose wi th 2- 3 tub ercules on each side. Panonia secreta is an end emic sp ecies restri cted to Pedra do Segre do, Morro do Leáo and a neighbouring hill, localit ies that belong to Cacap ava do Sul munícípality, in sou the rn Brazil. We pre sent a morph ological description, illus tra tions , and ecologica l da ta, as well as a key inclu ding a morphologically similar spec ies.P. xanthogloca. Paoonia secreta can be dis ting uished by the abse nce of a tu ft of long and simple trichomes at the apex of the petiol e and on the abax ial sid e of the leaf, and by pa ler foliage; it presents dark pink flowers, wi th larger pe tals and stem tube; has larger mericarps, which are tuberculate-rugose wi th 2- 3 tub ercules on each side. Panonia secreta is an end emic sp ecies restri cted to Pedra do Segre do, Morro do Leáo and a neighbouring hill, localit ies that belong to Cacap ava do Sul munícípality, in sou the rn Brazil. We pre sent a morph ological description, illus tra tions , and ecologica l da ta, as well as a key inclu ding a morphologically similar spec ies.Panonia secreta is an end emic sp ecies restri cted to Pedra do Segre do, Morro do Leáo and a neighbouring hill, localit ies that belong to Cacap ava do Sul munícípality, in sou the rn Brazil. We pre sent a morph ological description, illus tra tions , and ecologica l da ta, as well as a key inclu ding a morphologically similar spec ies.