CEQUINOR   05415
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
congresos y reuniones científicas
Catalizadores de Ni/Clipnoptilolita para el reformado seco de metano
Gramado, Brasil
Simposio; XX Simposio Iberoamericano de Catálisis; 2006
Se estudia la preparación de un catalizador de Ni para la reacción de reformado de metano con CO2 haciendo uso de una toba zeolitizada procedente de un depósito argentino. La especie mineral clinoptilolita (CLI) se trata con ácido clor hidrico a fin de proceder a la decationización (HCLI), modificando las propiedades superficiales (eliminación de especies que puedan dificultar la difusión de gases en los canales e incrementando el número de sitios catiónicos intrared). La zeolita ácida (HCLI) se utiliza como soporte de la fase activa (Ni) para la reacción estudiada. El nuevo material se caracteriza mediante la aplicación de diferentes técnicas fisicoquímicas como Difracción por Rayos X (XRD) ïn situ¨, espectroscopía FTIR, estudios térmicos en atmósfera reductora (TPR) y de superficie (BET) y se utilizó el reformado seco de metano como reacción test. Se observa una correlación entre la interacción metal-soporte y la actividad catalítica. The preparation of a Ni catalyst for methane reforming with CO2 was studied. A zeolitized tuff from an Argentine deposit was used as starting material. Clinoptilolite was treated with HCl to obtain a decationized zeolite (HCLI) with modified surface properties; the process eliminates species that diminishes the gaseous diffusivity in zeolite channels and increases the number of cationic sites in the network. The acid form of the zeolite was used as support of active phase. The new material was characterized by means of different physicochemical techniques as in situ XRD, FTIR spectroscopy, thermal (TPR) and surface (BET) studies. The dry reforming of methane was used as test reaction. A relationship between the metal support interaction and catalytic activity was detected.2 haciendo uso de una toba zeolitizada procedente de un depósito argentino. La especie mineral clinoptilolita (CLI) se trata con ácido clor hidrico a fin de proceder a la decationización (HCLI), modificando las propiedades superficiales (eliminación de especies que puedan dificultar la difusión de gases en los canales e incrementando el número de sitios catiónicos intrared). La zeolita ácida (HCLI) se utiliza como soporte de la fase activa (Ni) para la reacción estudiada. El nuevo material se caracteriza mediante la aplicación de diferentes técnicas fisicoquímicas como Difracción por Rayos X (XRD) ïn situ¨, espectroscopía FTIR, estudios térmicos en atmósfera reductora (TPR) y de superficie (BET) y se utilizó el reformado seco de metano como reacción test. Se observa una correlación entre la interacción metal-soporte y la actividad catalítica. The preparation of a Ni catalyst for methane reforming with CO2 was studied. A zeolitized tuff from an Argentine deposit was used as starting material. Clinoptilolite was treated with HCl to obtain a decationized zeolite (HCLI) with modified surface properties; the process eliminates species that diminishes the gaseous diffusivity in zeolite channels and increases the number of cationic sites in the network. The acid form of the zeolite was used as support of active phase. The new material was characterized by means of different physicochemical techniques as in situ XRD, FTIR spectroscopy, thermal (TPR) and surface (BET) studies. The dry reforming of methane was used as test reaction. A relationship between the metal support interaction and catalytic activity was detected.2 was studied. A zeolitized tuff from an Argentine deposit was used as starting material. Clinoptilolite was treated with HCl to obtain a decationized zeolite (HCLI) with modified surface properties; the process eliminates species that diminishes the gaseous diffusivity in zeolite channels and increases the number of cationic sites in the network. The acid form of the zeolite was used as support of active phase. The new material was characterized by means of different physicochemical techniques as in situ XRD, FTIR spectroscopy, thermal (TPR) and surface (BET) studies. The dry reforming of methane was used as test reaction. A relationship between the metal support interaction and catalytic activity was detected.