INCAPE   05401
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
congresos y reuniones científicas
Catalytic conversion of bio-resources to valuable chemicals
Workshop; Workshop on Implementation of Work Programme for 2012: Focus on ICS training programme in biomass technology; 2011
Argentina is the first world exporter of soyoil and soymeal, exporting 5.7 and 24 million tons per year, respectively. Thus, soybean is the first choice for biodiesel production in Argentina, which is currently 3rd largest world producer of biofuels (mainly biodiesel) after Brazil and USA. In 2008, Argentina external sales of biodiesel totaled about 1,100,000 tons in 2008 (320,000 tons in 2007) for approximately 1,500 million dollars. Recent enterprises include large plants with annual production capacities of 250,000 tons but also profitable small businesses with no more than 35,000 tons per year. The Argentine Biofuel Law (ABL), passed in 2006, requires that starting in 2010 at least 5% biofuels (bioethanol and biodiesel) have to be included in gasoline and diesel. Only biofuels derived from agricultural feedstocks will receive the tax incentives established the ABL and therefore other feedstocks such as cellulose are neglected as potential source of biofuels. Application of ABL will require the annual production of 600,000 tons of biodiesel and 160,000 tons of bioethanol, just for the domestic market.   Argentina production of bioethanol is based on sugar cane and the conventional technology is rather inefficient since yields ethanol (11 liter/tons of sugar cane) as a byproduct of sugar cane. Therefore, in order to fulfill the requirements of the ABL. Argentina is currently investing and increasing the production of 180,000 tons of ethanol per year by adopting new technologies that yields 85 liter/ton of sugar cane and produces ethanol as the main product. Other alternatives to sugar cane under study as corn, sugar beet and lignocellulose are still not profitable in Argentina.  New investments in biofuel production include the development of algae farms.  Also rapeseed oil almost unknown in Argentina is being considered for biodiesel production since rapeseed oil yield triples that of soybean, but more cultivated areas are needed for competitive production. Jartropha is another option but is still in the experimental stage to find the proper seeds and lands. This report addresses mainly the actual situation of the biofuel industry in Argentina, focusing in the potential of using new renewable raw materials.