CIDEPINT   05376
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
congresos y reuniones científicas
Novel optimization method for complex mixtures in capillary electrophoresis. Application for the analysis of Harmala alkaloids in edible algae by CE-MS.
Conferencia; 19th Latin-American Symposium on Biotechnology, Biomedical, Biopharmaceutical and Industrial Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis and Microchip Technology (LACE 2013).; 2013
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In capillary electrophoresis, not only separations between partially
ionized analytes are important but also, the relative separation of
them from the electroosmotic flow is also important. If we don't take
into account this consideration, those compounds, which have low
effective mobilities, can be separated from the neutral substances
presents in real samples and comigrates with the electroosmotic flow.
In this work, we present a new optimization parameter, which
describes the selectivity between two analytes and between each
analyte with the neutral compounds or EOF marker. Based in this
parameter, a general function for complex mixes was constructed as a
function of pH, allowing us to find a maximum which concurs with the
optimum separation pH. The equation was achieved taking into account
physical fundamentals, as a consequence, there is no need to make
experimental designs for this variable and could be applied for all
separation problems. However, other interactions or no precise
physical constants can exist, for these reason, a pH evaluation
around the maximum achieved theoretically is strongly recommend. The
model was tested for Harmala alkaloids (Halks), which are a family of
compounds with psychotropic effects on humans. All the HAlks are
based on a similar basic molecular structure, changing only few of
the substituent without significant molecular mass differences. All
of them have, at least, one -amine- ionizable group. These properties
become the HAlks an interesting challenge for analytical separations
and, particularly for capillary electrophoresis. These are present in
invasive algae on atlantic coast of the patagonian sea (Undaria
pinnatifida), commercially known as Wakame. Very low concentrations
or absence of HAlks becomes these algae eatable and with potential
uses in food industry. On the other hand, significant concentration
of HAlks becomes the algae not eatable, but the possibility to
extract them provides potential uses in the pharmaceutical industry.
Finally, we evaluated the optimization model for Halks and analyze
them in wakame by capillary electrophoresis coupled to ion trap mass
spectrometry (CE-IT-MS) 3. Moreover, the theoretically
optimum pH was experimentally evaluated in a short range of pH (±
0.2 pH units). In addition, the optimized CE-IT-MS was complemented
with a MS-MS study in order to confirm the compounds found.