ININFA   02677
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
congresos y reuniones científicas
Diet influence on P-Glycoprotein activity in the rat
Córdoba - Argentina
Congreso; XXXVIII reunión anual de la Asociación Argentina de Farmacología Experimental; 2006
Institución organizadora:
Asociación Argentina de Farmacología Experimental
Diet influence on P-Glycoprotein activity in the rat 1Hermida M.P and 1,2Rubio M.C. 1Cát. de Farmacología, Fac. de Farmacia y Bioquímica (UBA), 2ININFA (CONICET-UBA). Junín 956 5º Piso (1113), Bs.As. Email:   P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is an efflux transporter whose activity has been reported to change after different drug treatments. However, little is known about protein intake and P-gp. In order to evaluate a potential variation in P-gp activity, male Wistar rats received either normal diet (control group) or protein free diet (treated group) for two weeks. Both food and water were supplied ad libitum. Body weight and diet intake were individually controlled along the treatment. On the 15th day P-gp activity was determined using the everted sac of ileum in vitro technique and Rhodamine 123 as P-gp substrate. Ileon exposed surface, weight and total tissue proteins were also assessed to correct any additional variation, and plasma proteins were measured as well. A significant difference was detected for the Pgp activity between control (13.4 ± 5.9 picomol/min) and treated (22.4 ± 2.5 picomol/min) groups. Although there were neither significant differences between groups for ileon exposed surface, weight and total tissue proteins nor in plasma proteins, body weight in control group raised from 208g to 259g while fell in treated group from 206g to 153g. These preliminary results indicate that Pgp activity could be induced after two week protein free diet treatment. Further investigation is required to evaluate other nutritional aspects that could led to this rise in P-gp activity, and to elucidate whether this phenomenon has local or global implications.