CADIC   02618
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
Photosynthetic plasticity of Nothofagus pumilio seedlings to light intensity and soil moisture
Año: 2007 vol. 243 p. 274 - 282
Nothofagus seedlings often survive and grow slowly for a long time in the shaded understory. This creates a seedling bank with a potential
advantage in reestablishing canopy disturbances. To manage primary forests more effectively, it is important to understand the basis of plant
regeneration ecophysiology, and their plasticity to changes in environmental factors. The objective was to evaluate the photosynthetic plasticity ofseedlings often survive and grow slowly for a long time in the shaded understory. This creates a seedling bank with a potential
advantage in reestablishing canopy disturbances. To manage primary forests more effectively, it is important to understand the basis of plant
regeneration ecophysiology, and their plasticity to changes in environmental factors. The objective was to evaluate the photosynthetic plasticity of
Nothofagus pumilio seedlings to light intensity and soil moisture gradients; and to relate them with silvicultural prescriptions. Six treatments with
three light intensities (4, 26 and 64% of the natural incident irradiance) and two soil moistures levels (4060 and 80100% soil capacity) were
assayed under greenhouse controlled conditions. CO2 gas exchanges were measured every month on seedlings growing in each condition. In the
shaded treatments seedlings grow below their optimum photosynthetic potential (leaf light-saturated net photosynthesis rate of
5.1 mmol CO2 m2 s1) compared with the lighted treatments by improving their photosynthetic performance (8.38.4 mmol CO2 m2 s1).
Seedling growing under low soil moisture conditions had higher leaf light-saturated net photosynthesis rate than plants grown under 80100% soil
water capacity (7.8 and 6.6 mmol CO2 m2 s1, respectively). When light (up to 150200 mmol m2 s1) and soil moisture (4060% soil capacity)
levels were favourable, seedling plants could exhibit their maximum photosynthetic capacity. If one of these factors became limiting, the plants
reduced their photosynthetic rate, e.g. N. pumilio seedlings with enough light and high levels of soil moisture, probably decreased their growth and
fine roots activity. For this, application of silviculture systems must take into account the changes in both factors (light and soil moisture) for
maximize the growth potential in the natural regeneration. These findings must be combined with morphological variables at a whole-plant, shoot,
crown and leaf levels to determine the optimum growth conditions.seedlings to light intensity and soil moisture gradients; and to relate them with silvicultural prescriptions. Six treatments with
three light intensities (4, 26 and 64% of the natural incident irradiance) and two soil moistures levels (4060 and 80100% soil capacity) were
assayed under greenhouse controlled conditions. CO2 gas exchanges were measured every month on seedlings growing in each condition. In the
shaded treatments seedlings grow below their optimum photosynthetic potential (leaf light-saturated net photosynthesis rate of
5.1 mmol CO2 m2 s1) compared with the lighted treatments by improving their photosynthetic performance (8.38.4 mmol CO2 m2 s1).
Seedling growing under low soil moisture conditions had higher leaf light-saturated net photosynthesis rate than plants grown under 80100% soil
water capacity (7.8 and 6.6 mmol CO2 m2 s1, respectively). When light (up to 150200 mmol m2 s1) and soil moisture (4060% soil capacity)
levels were favourable, seedling plants could exhibit their maximum photosynthetic capacity. If one of these factors became limiting, the plants
reduced their photosynthetic rate, e.g. N. pumilio seedlings with enough light and high levels of soil moisture, probably decreased their growth and
fine roots activity. For this, application of silviculture systems must take into account the changes in both factors (light and soil moisture) for
maximize the growth potential in the natural regeneration. These findings must be combined with morphological variables at a whole-plant, shoot,
crown and leaf levels to determine the optimum growth conditions.2 gas exchanges were measured every month on seedlings growing in each condition. In the
shaded treatments seedlings grow below their optimum photosynthetic potential (leaf light-saturated net photosynthesis rate of
5.1 mmol CO2 m2 s1) compared with the lighted treatments by improving their photosynthetic performance (8.38.4 mmol CO2 m2 s1).
Seedling growing under low soil moisture conditions had higher leaf light-saturated net photosynthesis rate than plants grown under 80100% soil
water capacity (7.8 and 6.6 mmol CO2 m2 s1, respectively). When light (up to 150200 mmol m2 s1) and soil moisture (4060% soil capacity)
levels were favourable, seedling plants could exhibit their maximum photosynthetic capacity. If one of these factors became limiting, the plants
reduced their photosynthetic rate, e.g. N. pumilio seedlings with enough light and high levels of soil moisture, probably decreased their growth and
fine roots activity. For this, application of silviculture systems must take into account the changes in both factors (light and soil moisture) for
maximize the growth potential in the natural regeneration. These findings must be combined with morphological variables at a whole-plant, shoot,
crown and leaf levels to determine the optimum growth conditions.mmol CO2 m2 s1) compared with the lighted treatments by improving their photosynthetic performance (8.38.4 mmol CO2 m2 s1).
Seedling growing under low soil moisture conditions had higher leaf light-saturated net photosynthesis rate than plants grown under 80100% soil
water capacity (7.8 and 6.6 mmol CO2 m2 s1, respectively). When light (up to 150200 mmol m2 s1) and soil moisture (4060% soil capacity)
levels were favourable, seedling plants could exhibit their maximum photosynthetic capacity. If one of these factors became limiting, the plants
reduced their photosynthetic rate, e.g. N. pumilio seedlings with enough light and high levels of soil moisture, probably decreased their growth and
fine roots activity. For this, application of silviculture systems must take into account the changes in both factors (light and soil moisture) for
maximize the growth potential in the natural regeneration. These findings must be combined with morphological variables at a whole-plant, shoot,
crown and leaf levels to determine the optimum growth conditions.mmol CO2 m2 s1, respectively). When light (up to 150200 mmol m2 s1) and soil moisture (4060% soil capacity)
levels were favourable, seedling plants could exhibit their maximum photosynthetic capacity. If one of these factors became limiting, the plants
reduced their photosynthetic rate, e.g. N. pumilio seedlings with enough light and high levels of soil moisture, probably decreased their growth and
fine roots activity. For this, application of silviculture systems must take into account the changes in both factors (light and soil moisture) for
maximize the growth potential in the natural regeneration. These findings must be combined with morphological variables at a whole-plant, shoot,
crown and leaf levels to determine the optimum growth conditions.N. pumilio seedlings with enough light and high levels of soil moisture, probably decreased their growth and
fine roots activity. For this, application of silviculture systems must take into account the changes in both factors (light and soil moisture) for
maximize the growth potential in the natural regeneration. These findings must be combined with morphological variables at a whole-plant, shoot,
crown and leaf levels to determine the optimum growth conditions.