MACNBR   00242
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
congresos y reuniones científicas
Geomorphological and paleoecological investigations at the Laguna Nassau, Pampa Seca, Argentina
Congreso; 22nd Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences; 2011
Institución organizadora:
Universität Heilderberg
The Pampa Seca, situated in Central Argentina, ranges about 530 km in meridional direction from 34° to 39° S, and approximately 200 km in zonal direction from 64° to 67° W. It is a preferential area for the reconstruction of the younger quaternary environmental evolution because it provides (1) geomorphological archives, containing information about the quality, particular the direction, and quantity, particular the volume of transported Material, of the forming wind systems; (2) lake sedimentary archives, covering information about the ecology of the environment as well as dating possibilities; (3) it spans largely the overlapping area of the southern hemisphere westwind-drift with the south-american tropic circulation, which implies the potential to detect its spatial fluctuations in time. We present palynological and geochemical analyses of lacustrine sediments, which deposition starts not before 1630 +/-35 BP, of one deflation pan in the northern part of the Pampa Seca, called the Laguna Nassau, at 33°S, 65,5°W, and complement this with the interpretation of the geomorphology of the eolian features in its surroundings. The data allow the reconstruction of wind direction and humidity. By means of geomorphological mapping we can clearly define three distinct dune forming wind systems, and from the palynological  analysis we get, beside the evolution of the local and regional growing plant communities, data of the water-table fluctuation. Goudie, A.S.; Wells, G.L. (1995): The nature, distribution and formation of pans in arid zones. Earth-Science Reviews, Vol. 38, P 1-69. Schulz, W. (in Prep.): The Pampa Seca deflation pans. Geomorphological evidence of paleowind systems. Vilanova, I.; Prieto, A.; Stutz, S.; Bettis Ill, E.A. (2010): Holocene vegetation changes along the southeastern coast of the Argentinean Pampa grasslands in relation to sea-level fluctuations and climatic variability: Palynological analysis of alluvial sequences from Arroyo Claromecó. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, Vol. 298, P 210- 223. Vilanova, I.; Prieto, A.; Stutz, S.; Bettis Ill, E.A. (2010): Holocene vegetation changes along the southeastern coast of the Argentinean Pampa grasslands in relation to sea-level fluctuations and climatic variability: Palynological analysis of alluvial sequences from Arroyo Claromecó. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, Vol. 298, P 210- 223.