MACNBR   00242
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
Spore morphology and ultrastructure of Dennstaedtiaceae from Paranaense Phytogeografic Province I.: genus Dennstaedtia.
Lugar: Amsterdam; Año: 2016 vol. 224 p. 181 - 194
The spore morphology and wall structure of Dennstaedtia species from the Phytogeographic Paranaense Province:Dennstaedtia species from the Phytogeographic Paranaense Province:Dennstaedtia cicutaria, D. cornuta, D. dissecta, D. globulifera, D. obtusifoliawere studied using lightmicroscopy(LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The spores are trilete,brown, triangular in polar view and plane-hemispheric to plane-convex in equatorial view. The exospore is homogeneous,with two layers. The perispore has an alveolar structure and is composed of one or two layers. Theouter perispore surface bears the sculpture, which has elements of varied shapes (verrucae, ridges, reticles), andifferent sizes and fusion. This variation allows characterize species or groups of species. Three different typesof perispore ornamentation can be found: 1. Verrucate with verrucae covered with rodlets; 2. Verrucate-rugatewith verrucae and smooth ridges; 3. Reticulate. The spores constitute an important source of characters with asystematic value for the genus Dennstaedtia and they are a useful tool for the identification of herbarium samples.(LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The spores are trilete,brown, triangular in polar view and plane-hemispheric to plane-convex in equatorial view. The exospore is homogeneous,with two layers. The perispore has an alveolar structure and is composed of one or two layers. Theouter perispore surface bears the sculpture, which has elements of varied shapes (verrucae, ridges, reticles), andifferent sizes and fusion. This variation allows characterize species or groups of species. Three different typesof perispore ornamentation can be found: 1. Verrucate with verrucae covered with rodlets; 2. Verrucate-rugatewith verrucae and smooth ridges; 3. Reticulate. The spores constitute an important source of characters with asystematic value for the genus Dennstaedtia and they are a useful tool for the identification of herbarium samples.(LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The spores are trilete,brown, triangular in polar view and plane-hemispheric to plane-convex in equatorial view. The exospore is homogeneous,with two layers. The perispore has an alveolar structure and is composed of one or two layers. Theouter perispore surface bears the sculpture, which has elements of varied shapes (verrucae, ridges, reticles), andifferent sizes and fusion. This variation allows characterize species or groups of species. Three different typesof perispore ornamentation can be found: 1. Verrucate with verrucae covered with rodlets; 2. Verrucate-rugatewith verrucae and smooth ridges; 3. Reticulate. The spores constitute an important source of characters with asystematic value for the genus Dennstaedtia and they are a useful tool for the identification of herbarium samples.(LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The spores are trilete,brown, triangular in polar view and plane-hemispheric to plane-convex in equatorial view. The exospore is homogeneous,with two layers. The perispore has an alveolar structure and is composed of one or two layers. Theouter perispore surface bears the sculpture, which has elements of varied shapes (verrucae, ridges, reticles), andifferent sizes and fusion. This variation allows characterize species or groups of species. Three different typesof perispore ornamentation can be found: 1. Verrucate with verrucae covered with rodlets; 2. Verrucate-rugatewith verrucae and smooth ridges; 3. Reticulate. The spores constitute an important source of characters with asystematic value for the genus Dennstaedtia and they are a useful tool for the identification of herbarium samples.(LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The spores are trilete,brown, triangular in polar view and plane-hemispheric to plane-convex in equatorial view. The exospore is homogeneous,with two layers. The perispore has an alveolar structure and is composed of one or two layers. Theouter perispore surface bears the sculpture, which has elements of varied shapes (verrucae, ridges, reticles), andifferent sizes and fusion. This variation allows characterize species or groups of species. Three different typesof perispore ornamentation can be found: 1. Verrucate with verrucae covered with rodlets; 2. Verrucate-rugatewith verrucae and smooth ridges; 3. Reticulate. The spores constitute an important source of characters with asystematic value for the genus Dennstaedtia and they are a useful tool for the identification of herbarium samples., D. cornuta, D. dissecta, D. globulifera, D. obtusifoliawere studied using lightmicroscopy(LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The spores are trilete,brown, triangular in polar view and plane-hemispheric to plane-convex in equatorial view. The exospore is homogeneous,with two layers. The perispore has an alveolar structure and is composed of one or two layers. Theouter perispore surface bears the sculpture, which has elements of varied shapes (verrucae, ridges, reticles), andifferent sizes and fusion. This variation allows characterize species or groups of species. Three different typesof perispore ornamentation can be found: 1. Verrucate with verrucae covered with rodlets; 2. Verrucate-rugatewith verrucae and smooth ridges; 3. Reticulate. The spores constitute an important source of characters with asystematic value for the genus Dennstaedtia and they are a useful tool for the identification of herbarium samples.Dennstaedtia and they are a useful tool for the identification of herbarium samples.