The current budget is $199.109.643.050.-
It comprises:
Subsection 1 –Personnel costs $145.409.688.666.-
Subsection: 2 – Consumption goods $31.387.683.-
Subsection: 3 – Non-personal services $45.869.180.491.- (*)
Subsection 4 – Fixed assets $172.400.364.-
Subsection 5 – Transfers $7.626.985.846.- (**)
(*)The amount of $ corresponds to research fellowships.
(**) From that number, the amount of $7.535.149.872.- is financed by Source 11 – National Treasure and $91.835.974.- by Source 12 – The Council’s Resources.
Personnel costs
Subsection 1 – $55.911.521.546.-
It shows the payment to the members of the Scientific Research Career and Scientific and Technological Research Support Personnel (17.219 scientists, technicians), administrative staff (1.467 agents, including permanent positions and different contracts).
CONICET is the largest trainer of human resources in science and technology due to the Careers of Scientific and Technological Research and Research Support Staf, that is why the huge incidence of the section Personnel Costs in the total of the budget of the agency.
This means that 93,02% of the already mentioned subsection corresponds to one of the main objectives of CONICET, which as it previously indicated, refers to the training of Researchers and Research Support Staff, while the cost in administration personnel represents only 6,98% of the total salary cost.
Consumer goods
Subsection 2 – $16.052.646.-
It shows the costs of materials and consumable supplies to operate in the head office and the Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences “Bernardino Rivadavia” because the goods used by the research implementation units are obtained in a decentralized way, through transferences that are indicated in Section 5.
Non-personal services
Subsection 3 – $19.465.037.075.-
In CONICET, this section is divided into two big groups of costs: one that comprises services to operate, preserve and repair the goods of the Head Office and the Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences “Bernardino Rivadavia” (ARS $488.578.864 ); and the other one is the payment to Fellows (ARS $18.976.458.211).
The first group represents 2,51% of the section whereas the fellows represent 97,33% of the total amount of the section.
In addition, the Careers of Scientific and Technological Researcher and Research Support Staff promote the training of PhDs through research fellowships.
Fixed assets
Subsection 4 – ARS $ 101.836.215.-
This shows the costs generated by the acquisition of capital assets of the Head Office.
The Implementation Units make the arrangements to obtain the capital assets in a decentralized way with the funds transferred through the subsection 5.
Subsection 5 – ARS $4.578.712.221.-
This describes the funds transferred to the Research Implementation Units to operate, to obtain equipment and the money granted to researchers as subsidies for the development of Research Projects, science meetings’ organization and the payment of memberships to foreign scientific and technological organisms.
The Works Plan conducted efficiently and in a decentralized way by the Implementation Units is financed by transferences.