BUSSO Anabella Estela
capítulos de libros
Regional contributions to Multifunctional Peacekeeping Operations: best practices and main challenges. A look from Latin American
Challenges Forum Report 2013: Strenghtening UN Peace Operations: Modalities and Opportunities for Regionalzed Contributions
International Forum for the Challenges of Peace Operations
Lugar: Estocolmo; Año: 2014; p. 1 - 12
The purpose of this notes is to provide academic reflection upon some regional experiences of contribution to multifunctional peacekeeping operations (PKO), detecting their best practices and challenges. The intention is to contribute with ideas that lead to a strengthening of UN PKO in cooperation with different regional organizations. In order to achieve that, after clarifying the perspective from which this paper was designed, some general conditions for best practices needed for a successful performance of regional organizations in peacekeeping are described and, later, specific examples of best practices provided by Latin America are analyzed. The selected cases provide both practices related to institutional development and strengthening of the involved countries via South-South cooperation initiatives, as well as activities related to the training of peacekeepers and peacemakers and cooperation in the area of Defense.