In one year, the digital repository of CONICET tripled the amount of available articles

The site, which has 30 thousand studies, receives an average of 3,200 visits a day.

CONICET Digital, the Institutional Repository of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina (CONICET), tripled the amount of available articles for the society. The researchers of the Council posted in the site 30 thousand articles that were published in scientific journals. During the last quarter, CONICET Digital received an average of 3,200 visits a day from all parts of the world. The access to this material is free through the site

This repository led to the formation of a decentralized structure, a Red Federal de Especialistas del Repositorio Institucional [Decentralized Network of Specialists of the Institutional Repository]. It has more than 40 librarians and information professionals spread along the country who apart from their work at the institutional network collaborate with the processing of the self-archiving articles of the scientific community they represent.

The material that is uploaded to the repository is self-archived by the researchers through the Sistema Integral de Gestión y Evaluación (SIGEVA). This system currently reunites around 850 thousand documents, which include articles, thesis, books and scientific events, among others, which are the product of the researchers conducted in the last 10 years of CONICET, with an annual increase of 60 thousand documents.

As regards the group of available material, the president of the CONICET stated “the complete collection of articles published in 2013 by our researchers is available now. This allows us to have better indicators to obtain precise information about the results of the scientific activity of the organism.” Next year, we hope to complete the all the following collections of articles.

Apart from this repository and to continue with the enforcement of Ley 26.899, the CONICET incorporated the Plan de Gestión de Datos (PGD) [Data Management Plan]. This instrument enables the anticipation of the administration, preservation and future publication of research data. Furthermore, it will allow the organism to anticipate difficulties, improvements and future needs.

There is a new challenge in CONICET Digital: the implementation of the Repository of CONICET Research Data for 2018. Through a platform, this will store, preserve, disseminate and reuse the data produced or collected in studies. Through this repository, research data will be available to foster the research of other groups, save time, money and effort, among other things.

It is worth mentioning that the Repositories will open the science activity, preserve it and reuse the results. They respond to the need to obtain free access to the resulting content of the studies generated through public funds, what will increase the visibility and impact of the work conducted by the largest scientific and technical community in Argentina.

In August 2015, through the Gerencia de Organización y Sistemas, the CONICET  launched the Repositorio Institucional CONICET Digital to comply with the Ley 26.899 passed in November 2013, and its regulation. This establishes that the public organisms and institutions that comprise the Sistema Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SNCTI) [National System of Science, Technology and Innovation] and receive funds form the National government have to develop and maintain institutional open-access digital repositories (self-owned or shared) to host, preserve and disseminate the scientific and technological production.