CONICET and India move towards international cooperation

Ambassador Sanjiv Ranjan visited Alejandro Ceccatto to reaffirm their will to strengthen ties in terms of science

The president of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), Alejandro Ceccatto, received the Indian embassador Sanjiv Ranjan to talk about possible ways to strengthen ties in terms of scientific cooperation between Argentina and India.

Some of the areas in which the officials agreed to cooperate were biotechnology, computer sciences, and renewable energies so as to strengthen research. “We aim at connecting all possible sectors”, Ranjan said and Ceccatto added: “let’s shape a policy to develop alliances between our scientists as soon as possible.”

Ranjan stated that biotechnology is a highly advanced field in his country as well as in Argentina because its use is necessary in different areas such as medicine, climate change, agriculture. He also added that petrochemical industry research is a national priority just as the advances in renewable energies, especially in solar energy.

“Our challenge in India is to market scientific research. We seek to have research with application”, commented the embassador and mentioned one “Research and Industry Council” that will be launched in his country. And Ceccatto concluded “I think it’s wise and appropriate to join the productive and scientific world in the name. It is also one of our concrete objectives.”

The officials agreed to advance in the possibility of establishing international cooperation in common interest scientific areas.